Chapter 474 

After Elise brought Danny back to the bedroom, she was about to open the door with the acce card when a sound of the door unlocking sounded.

The next moment, the door was opened from the inside. Joey was standing at the door, looking at them with scrutiny.

“Weren’t you going to get H’s poster from the photography studio by the roadside?”

Keeping the access card, Elise looked back at Joey before asking, “You were following us? No, you wouldn’t be able to catch up with Cameron driving. So who did you plant a tracking device on?”

After she said that, she already had an answer in mind.

Among them, the only person who wouldn’t be as careful was Danny. Undoubtedly, the tracking device would have been put on him.

At this moment, a glimmer of interest shone in Elise’s eyes. “Where did you get the tracking device?”

“I made it myself,” Joey said proudly. “It’s nothing too complicated. I only needed a GPS and a signal receiver.”

“How did you plant it on Danny?” Elise asked.

“What?!” At once, Danny was shocked. He even began to spew internet dialects. “You planted a tracking device on me?!”

Joey didn’t seem to be bothered by that. With a shrug, she replied, “It’s nothing hard. I just had to tug on his necktie and it was done.”

“Necktie?” Immediately, he fiddled with his necktie and gave it a hard pull. Then, a black tracking device that was the size of a bean dropped out.

“You sneaky, uncultured person! I genuinely thought that you saw me as a brother. Instead, you were using me all this while?!”

Needless to say, he was furious. After disposing of the device, he dumped the poster and photos in his arms on Elise before walking off angrily.

Seeing that, Joey kept an innocent face. “I just merely put something on him. Why make such a fuss?”

over his sincerity toward you,” Elise

“Are you thinking of exploiting the fact that H

in her arms, Elise said as she walked, “I wish, but can I fool

“Don’t think that I’m gullible because I’m young. I’m H’s dichard fan. I will definitely know if it’s her real picture

to reveal its content. At the

the side profile of the woman on the poster, she was sure that it was H. Like a possessed person, she walked closer before taking hold of the two corners of

her signature. Her H is always signed like it was diagonal.” She was so over the moon that her eyes were brimming with tears.

get such a comment, so she raised her brow out

poster at such a crowded place? What if it got torn or dirty?” Joey examined the picture like a

more dangerous a place is, the safer

Joey snarled. “Why don’t you just

“Alright. You’re right,” Elise

from entrepreneurs who want to brag about their success, Elise thought that there wouldn’t be anyone else who’d frame her picture and hang

something fishy from Elise’s tone. Hence, she looked up quickly before staring at her with a sharp gaze.

firm claim that she


in this world, people who were unbothered by H’s

was at the top with fame or at


her attitude made Elise choke on her saliva. Elise coughed before exclaiming, “I need

in an Eliwe, Joey stretched her hand out before showing alive’ town Art momen. Jony seemed very careful and he wiltered “Wee Drink Tim in E IL The linki wielu in my life in to

Bline retracted her neck an she looked at

a way to deal with a fan

we have to see mulee When you become a person that

that, she was afraid that Kline would go back on her words, so she pulled her hand over before giving lura loigh live. It was only

Joey wan,

person that she had never seen. Jocy was willlos lo lace uncertain situations and constrict her true self. Was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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