Chapter 477 What a Scheming Man!

Elise was not as calm as she was during the first half of the auction. Instead, she stood up in excitement as she made her way to the railings. She held onto the railings with both of her hands before craning to look downward. Her slightly childish voice had attracted the crowd’s attention as they lifted their gaze toward her

The guests on the second floor were usually wealthy or influential people, so the crowd was interested to find out who was the lady who had such good taste.

However, upon realizing that the woman who made the bid was a stranger to them and that her companions were all young men around her age whom they could not recognize, the crowd burst out in laughter.

“Haha! Whose prodigal son—oh no, I mean prodigal daughter—is this? Which family allowed their prodigal daughter to come here and embarrass herself?”

“She has an exquisite look, but alas, she’s ignorant and even lacks basic knowledge. Hey, young chick, do you even know what high-quality jadeites look like? Only those with a pale surface are valuable. If you bid this piece of stone back, I’m afraid your father will be driven mad by you!”

A man stretched his neck and pretended to be ‘kind’, which immediately caused the others to burst out laughing again.

And because of that, no one from the first floor increased the bid, and the bid price remained at 500,000 throughout an entire minute as the crowd continued laughing at Elise.

Elise glanced across the hall and smiled in a self-deprecating manner.

If only she had known that no one would increase the bid, she would’ve asked for 300,000 directly as she’d be able to save 200,000.

Elise almost had the game in her hand, and even Johnny, who was on the stage, wore a smile and was about to congratulate her.

Just then, a cold male voice emerged from a room at the right and broke the silence.


The voice was deep yet rich, and the volume was just loud enough to travel across the entire hall so that everyone could hear him clearly.

they saw Kenneth, who was standing beside the railing looking down

frowned as she had a

downstairs. “It’s Kenneth.

the laughing stock by buying this kind

“How thoughtful is Mr. Bailey to willingly undertake

of the same kind as you jerks? Lowly creatures!” Celina defended Kenneth outspokenly and offended the majority of the

Mr. Bailey has quite a number of lovers. But alas, there is a large disparity between their ranks just like how one is seated on the second floor while the other is on

is she still being snobbish about? Does

As for this woman on the lower floor, anyone who takes her in

together. In addition, Celina had just insulted them, so they did not show mercy all the more and abused this socialite of Landred City as if she was

stopped her as she did not want to be implicated in this argument between opposite genders. “Calm down, Celina! Kenneth is still looking at the scene from upstairs, so don’t give him the impression that you’re a reckless woman! Those men are not whom you want to please, so don’t

“You’re right. I shouldn’t argue with the insignificant ones. It’s not worth being angry with

smiled stiffly. “Don’t mention

me too! Do you even have a

sorting out her emotions, she held Celina’s hand again

increased the bid


“1 million.”

“1.2 million.”

easily gave out a piece of land worth 90 million

bid this item personally

this gem to me?” Elise asked

so sorry for not being able to fulfill your wish,” Kenneth replied

even some rare gem. Why do

that’s the case, why do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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