Chapter 478 Are You Trying to Be Annoying or Pleasing?

Throughout the entire auction, Elise only bid for that piece of ore. She did that not because there were no better gems, but she just did not want to go up against Kenneth, the scheming man again.

She reckoned this man, who controlled the pulse of the city’s economy, might have set up more traps for her. As such, she could only restrain her temperament lest Kenneth seized another chance.

However, Elise was distressed as she was not able to act as she pleased. At this thought, she couldn’t help shooting a fierce glare at Kenneth when she saw him stand up at the end of the event.

Perceiving the sharp glare from the opposite side, Kenneth instinctively glanced in that direction and was innocently stunned upon seeing Elise’s fierce look. What?

After walking out of the private room, Kenneth did not leave immediately but stayed at the entrance.

Elise bumped into Kenneth the moment she came out, and her beautiful eyes were filled with murderous intentions at once.

“Why are you staring at me like this, Miss Sinclair?” Kenneth asked with a half-smile.

“How else should I look at you then?” Elise continued with a straight face, “A gentleman would not steal the apple of someone else’s eye.”

Kenneth looked down and smiled faintly while Elise was completely pissed off.

He’s already at this age. Don’t tell me he thinks he looks handsome by smiling like this!

“Why don’t you understand it as I’m doing so to please you?” Kenneth blurted suddenly.

“Because I’m already engaged, and I don’t need anyone besides my fiancé to please me. If there’s anyone who does, I’ll deem him as an idiot,” Elise retorted with a strong attitude.

An idiot?

Should I be happy or angry?

Kenneth inhaled deeply in resignation while lifting his brows and recklessly eyed Elise up.

“Good job, Elise!”

then, Danny walked up and clapped in front

thought of something. Then, he closed his eyes with a sullen look and

Kenneth walked past Elise, Elise couldn’t help

that moment, Kenneth paused out of the blue and turned around. Coincidentally, his eyes

Kenneth teased her with a cunning and smug smile. “So you can’t bear

You’ve misunderstood…” Elise attempted to

have to explain. I understand what’s going on. Don’t worry,

downstairs without giving Elise a chance to finish her

rendered speechless as she thought that the majority of men

give that more thought, Alexander did not seem to have this problem. Nonetheless, he was extreme on another level—he

she thought of Alexander. But following that, she started

her phone and sent Alexander a message on WhatsApp. ‘Have you finished

Kenneth’s phone rang the moment he got

took out the phone and wore a sweet

cast a glance at him while confusion

me just now,” Kenneth said

mistaken, sir. I’m just wondering whether all men like to tease their girlfriends by showing a sudden change

don’t understand. To humans, this is known as

understand,” Melody said


away his phone, he said in a calm manner, “Melody, do you

do,” Melody

to realize that he would only be finding trouble if he debated with this subordinate who did not need a relationship. As

goodness of it,

back’ in the chat box, Kenneth

other hand, after the auction was over, there was still a big crowd who stayed in the hall with one sole motive⁠—to witness the

mineral extraction performed right on the

small group of the crowd would be jewelry sellers who aimed to purchase high-quality jades. Once a desirable mineral was extracted, they would buy it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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