Chapter 480 You Sure Show No Mercy, Mr Bailey

Under the crowd’s gazes of disbelief, Elise carried the jadeite, which was blood-red from inside out, and led Danny to walk up to Tom.

“Here’s your product, Mr. Shaw.”

Tom couldn’t believe this was actually happening, and he was so afraid that once he spoke, this dream would shatter.

Heaving a sigh, Elise walked closer to Tom and snapped her fingers in front of him. “Wake up, Mr. Shaw. This is not a dream. If you still don’t receive this blood jade, we’re going to sneak away with it!”

It was only then did Tom’s tears turn into a smile as he reached out his hands to take over the mineral.

40 pounds was actually not too heavy, but Tom felt as if he was carrying a thousand pounds in his hands as this was the hope and future of the entire Shaw’s Jewelry Co.

Just as he was staring at the jade entrancing his own picture, a slender hand which had a name card between the fingers came into sight. The next second, the fingers parted, causing the name card to fall on the jade. Then, the hand retreated.

Tom lifted his head to see Elise lifting her hand beside her ear and making a calling pose. “Mr. Shaw, this mineral is yours now. As for whether we should continue talking about our business, I’ll wait for your call.”

After saying that, Elise even teased the other jewelry traders. “The amount of jewelry is limited, so they are first come, first served!”

At once, Tom was heavily surrounded by the traders. At that moment, he was so overjoyed that he did not even know how to respond.

It had been too long since he received this kind of treatment!

An ore that was bid at 40 million contained blood jade worth several hundred million—this was far more than a huge return with a small investment.

However, this ‘Miss Anderson’ actually gave it directly to him without even hesitating.

In fact, Tom already had an answer deep down, but since Elise was not in a hurry, he decided to remain reserved first so that both parties could have more time to think it through.

The sky was already dark when Elise left the auction hall. She was in a good mood today, so she initiated to be the driver and went for a joyride.

of parking the car naturally fell to her

parking the car, Elise walked leisurely toward the lift while fidgeting with the

she heard the sound of footsteps, which was neither too heavy nor


wail spread across every corner of the basement car park, which was filled with


his blade which was hit off by Elise. The glistening blade was extremely sharp, but fortunately, the man only cut a few strands of Elise’s hair and did not manage

force as she stepped on the man. “Tell me, which of my enemies

was almost distorted while being stepped on by Elise. Cold sweat gathered on his face, but he gritted his teeth and refused to

to talk, huh?” Elise’s gaze was drawn to the blade on the ground, and she picked it up after merely casting one

lifted the blade in her hand calmly and was just about to stab the man when a race car sped

was clearly exposed under the headlights of the car as Elise felt her eyes blinded

It was only after the man walked closer did Elise realize that the person was

we’ll meet


are you here?” At that moment, Elise

saying that with a smile, Kenneth

Sinclair, are you thinking of carrying out an illegal execution

the blade, on her bent knee and swayed it. She narrowed her eyes and had a mischievous idea. “By the

“I wonder if Miss Sinclair is hurt anywhere and if I should arrange for a

she blurted those words. However, she immediately thought something was not right, so she quickly changed her statement. “But! Our body is a precious gift from our

a few strands of hair…” Kenneth lowered

This shows how brutal the man on the floor is, and he’s obviously targeting to


Kenneth had already taken the

face and in the next

the man’s thigh. Holding the handle of the blade, he twisted the blade in the man’s

wanted to kidnap you and get the blood jade as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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