Chapter 481 What Can I Do? I Like You a Lot

“Despicable!” Elise scolded.

At once, Kenneth was frozen for a few moments before he turned back to face her.

“Miss Sinclair, I just helped you out, and now you’re throwing me under the bus. Isn’t that unethical?” he said with a troubled look.

“I didn’t ask you to.” Her facial expression was dark.

It was the truth. She would have dealt with the man herself, but Kenneth insisted on butting in.

After a faint pause, she threw the handkerchief that she was holding onto Kenneth. “Take your dirty handkerchief away! If you dare touch me again, I will take your life!”

“Well, that’s feisty of you. But what can I do? I like you a lot when you act like this,” as he said that, he had a smug expression on while he leaned closer to her.

Immediately, she moved her foot from the face of the man on the floor before aiming for Kenneth’s lower body.

Before the damaging kick had the chance to land, he grabbed hold of her leg with both his hands.

“Haha…” With a chuckle, he said with his brow raised, “Miss Sinclair, if you had really landed that kick, you will regret it for the next half of your life.”

“Really…” After squinting her eyes, she made a jump from the support provided by his hand that was holding onto her legs before making a turn mid-air, landing a kick on his shoulder.

At once, he loosened his grip before staggering two steps back. Holding onto the spot where he got kicked, he said in disbelief, “For real?”

“Of course.” Elise regained her composure before she said threateningly, “Keep your dirty thoughts to yourself. Next time, you won’t have the chance to avoid it.”

After saying what she wanted to say, she left without looking back.

Seeing that, Kenneth was left there, unsure whether to laugh or weep.

As he had a very ferocious fiancee, what could he do?

He was the one who picked her, so he had to love her even through the pain!

It had been over an hour since she got back to her room when she heard the door of the room opposite being opened.

to confirm whether it was Alexander, but she figured that it was faster to

met with

a glimpse of his face, but

it was just a little peek, she could see his fatigue, so she didn’t

she picked up her phone

betrothal gifts, I will excuse you from greeting me

work today. Rest early after


texts, she went to sleep

matter how many unpredicted things happened in the day, she’d feel safe as

the next morning, she couldn’t suppress

again, I may get snatched away by someone.” Her tone was soft and it

quickly sobered up. Without thinking twice, he put his arm around her thin waist before asking, “So, were you

course not.” She said in a playful tone, “But I almost made him lose his ability to

said that, she couldn’t

knowing whether

that she didn’t have a liking

his level of attractiveness. Recalling the kick that


was sensitive enough to sense that his emotions were a little off. Hence, she leaned closer before saying, “I have self-control, but you don’t seem to be happy about it. Looks like I should let others have some chance when incidents like that happen

tightened his grip

moment, an image of Kenneth flashed in her mind for

must be crazy, she thought. Then, she kissed Alexander back until their breaths were getting a little ragged

their foreheads against each other, they kept each other in their embrace. The scene looked exactly like a couple who had just gotten

him, it wasn’t

did Alexander let Elise go


asked as it was still quite

said that

was quick,” she commented in a cheeky

said. “I’ll wait for


followed Danny to

in an uneasy manner. Upon seeing Elise, he stood up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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