Chapter 482 Getting Even

“I’ll go,” Elise answered succinctly. “When we come back later, let’s change the name of Shaw’s Jewelry Co.”

“Change it to what?” Tom was curious.

“Alexis.” At the thought of Alexander, a smile appeared on Elise’s face.

“Ah… Lexis?” As he did not hear Elise clearly, Tom pondered on that thought and decided that Lexis was a good fit in the end. “Alright, I’ll get someone to design the logo immediately.”

“It’s not urgent,” she said as she briefly pursed her lips. She wanted this to be a surprise for Alexander, so she wanted to design the logo herself.

However, Tom thought that she was just being courteous with him. Therefore, right after the meeting, he went to look for a designer that he was familiar with to design the brand logo.

After Tom left, Elise went directly to the restaurant.

When she got there, Alexander had already ordered breakfast for her.

Just as she sat down, he passed her a cup of milk that he had been holding onto.

“Here, drink this cup of milk first.”

“Thank you.”

Taking the drink over, she took a sip as she thought, Wow. The milk is still warm.

“Did it go smoothly?” Alexander asked casually.

“Nothing out of the ordinary,” Elise replied in a good mood. She then recalled what Tom said, so she asked, “I may have to visit Dukethorn in two days. Do you want to tag along?”

Hearing that, he showed a troubled face. “Can it be postponed by two days? I can’t leave yet.”

“Oh, it’s fine. You can focus on your work while I do mine,” she said understandingly.

Though she did not want to be separated from him, she knew that distance was inevitable no matter how close the person was to her.

Having a career of their own would help build a long-lasting relationship. Therefore, she decided to try and get used to being away from him in short intervals during this long-term relationship.

mention, she wasn’t a

Alexander said, “Have Clement

I’m going there for business, not to travel,”

bodyguards by your side. They can handle conflicts that require fighting.” He looked at her with

retort, “Are you expecting them

for a moment, he felt helpless, but he still insisted. “I know that you’re perfectly capable of fighting, but Dukethorn is a messy city. You can’t fight everyone on your own. It’s better to have a

she would not be able to win the argument, she no longer rejected. However, her gaze suddenly

so he asked, feeling a little guilty.

tone, “I suddenly remembered that I have to

he was secretly relieved. He then humored, “Sounds like Faye’s going

that, Elise simply

Faye intended to kill her and get the jadeite, Elise was going to let her get a taste of her own

alive. When my brother wakes up,

finishing her breakfast, she made a

Miss Elise still remembers this unimportant character. Is the sun rising

serious tone, “I’m here to

changed for the better. I no longer do anything bad.” The opposite end then added, “My mother’s health isn’t the best. I


Didn’t you want to be Robin Hood? Are you not interested in stealing

moment, the other side fell silent. It seemed that he was starting to

then proceeded to persuade him, “Saving someone’s life is worth more than doing good deeds. Isn’t that a

you have to ensure the opponent is a bad person,” the person on the phone said as if he was

from you either. This person tried to kill my family several times. I have to teach them a lesson. Hence, you can see it as my personal matter. I

Elise’s family! How dare this person?! You should’ve said that earlier! I won’t neglect this matter. Why don’t I beat that person up?” the person said with righteous

it made her feel touched yet helpless. “There’s no need for that. I’m not so violent. All you have to do

turning in her

was getting all the attention these past few days, she was so mad that her

she suddenly noticed that there

she lifted her upper body up

she said that, all the lights in the

picked up the

as if

the hotel lobby, she was prepared to call for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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