Chapter 488 I’m Tired and I Want to Sleep!

“This woman really is unreasonable!”

“Exactly! Everyone is being kind by giving her advice, but she is still so stubborn about it. Serves her right to lose all that money.”

“You should mind your own business. Even if she loses all that money, it is still hers. She is just a silly girl with a lot of money, so you should just let her be!”

Elise felt that the last sentence made sense, so she said, “Correct. I don’t have anything but money and I don’t like keeping it in my pocket, so the only way for me to be happy is to spend it!”

She was able to shut everyone up with her outrageous statement.

However, as soon as she was done speaking, Kenneth rudely interrupted, “Miss Sinclair, I really admire your bold personality. Is it possible for us to exchange our experience on failures?”

She immediately narrowed her eyes, filling them with murderous intent.

It was clear from her expression that she would kill Kenneth if he continued down that path.

Upon seeing that, Melody was afraid that Kenneth might actually die in Elise’s hands, so she quickly cleared her throat and reminded, “It’s time to go in.”

It was only then that Kenneth withdrew his flirtatious gaze and composed himself before resuming to his usual indifferent expression. “I know.” He turned toward Elise again and murmured, “I’ll wait for you inside.”

With that, he went inside while a smiling Melody nodded at Elise before following him inside.

Elise was left there shaking her head in regret. A woman like her doesn’t deserve that scumbag of a man!

As the entrance of the inner hall was opened, no one else cared about what Elise was doing, so they stood in readiness before walking in at the same time.

Of course, Ziggy was also among the crowd and when he met her, he didn’t forget to provoke her again. “Since you are so confident in your abilities, why don’t you just stay outside and use the jadeite from these low-grade stones to beat me?”

However, Elise looked at him as though she was looking at an idiot. “Do you own this building? I don’t think you have the right to forbid me from entering.” After rolling her eyes at him, she paused for a moment and looked around before raising her brows. “Why did the Carnegie Family send only you here for such a huge event?

from her, so he countered, “How is this any of your

she spread her hands and quickly went in with

inner hall were displayed in a much more organized fashion than those in the outer hall. Even though the inner hall was twice as large as the outer hall, the amount of gemstones displayed here was only

also a lot of

little more professional as there were special searchlights set

someone as calm as Melody couldn’t help

were two exceptions—Ziggy

he stopped and scanned the whole place with a contemptuous gaze, having no intentions of walking

casually, looking bored and impatient, as if

she knew that she would lose, she wasn’t putting any effort into

people who saw it


and ask, “Miss Sinclair, do you want me to teach you while you pick the stones? If we don’t do it sooner, all the

she turned around and headed out. “I’m tired.

When he turned around, Elise had

I have such an unreliable boss?! It looks like I have no other choice. I can only rely

fists and rushed into the crowd, acting as

the morning had

bit hungry, so she went to a restaurant outside

infrastructure and restaurants, so it was easy to bump

in her seat while the people at the table next to her chatted

Ziggy? I can’t believe that she began choosing from the stones

is the result

think that woman already chose a gemstone,

pick one out, but how could

I know? Ziggy is acting a bit

as you think it is. Ziggy is interested in that

“What do you mean?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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