Chapter 489 Are You Admitting That I’m Your Husband?

Everyone looked toward the source of the voice and realized that the giggle came from a fair and delicate girl.

“I’m sorry, but this is too funny. I can’t hold back my laughter.”

After letting out a chuckle, Kenneth threw the man aside and casted his gaze on Elise once more.

The man rubbed his aching wrist before looking at Elise in annoyance. “Where did you come from, you ignorant wild girl? Are you looking for trouble?”

The man knew that he was no match against Kenneth and since he had already embarrassed himself, there was no turning back. However, being laughed at by a woman was another thing, so he couldn’t bring himself to endure it no matter what.

“Are you talking about me?” Elise asked knowingly while tilting her head, her expression innocent. “I’m the rich silly girl that you talked about just now…”

Kenneth then moved and went over to her. Lowering his head, he murmured, “Miss Sinclair, looks like I’ve helped you out again. I believe that this isn’t the first time. Have you thought of a way to repay me?”

“I don’t need to.” She immediately put on an indifferent expression as she commented, “You did it on your own accord. I didn’t ask you for it.”

Seeing that they knew each other, the man suddenly felt his breath stop.

While they were still chatting with each other, he silently grabbed his jacket on the chair and moved toward the door one step at a time, edging sideways just like a crab.

“Stop right there!” As if he had eyes behind his back, Kenneth dragged those three words out and halted the man. Turning around slowly, Kenneth questioned, “Do you really think you can just walk away and pretend as if nothing has happened after saying what you’ve said?”

When Melody came in, she could feel that there was something wrong in the atmosphere, so she quickly went up and reminded Kenneth, “We are currently not in Smith Co.’s turf. It’s best if you don’t cause any trouble.”

“You’ve misunderstood me, Melody.” He put on an innocent look as he commented, “How could an honest man like me cause any trouble? Why don’t you ask him?”

With that, he raised his chin and pointed at the man leaning against the wall.

Looking at the man, Melody furrowed her brows in resignation and thought for a second before walking toward him. “I’m sorry, sir, but he has a bad temper.” Just as the man was about to tell her that everything was fine, she continued, “That is why I need you to apologize to him.”

hit me because he has a bad temper, but I have to be the one to apologize? The man looked confused as he


let him make you apologize to him himself so that he can vent his anger. If I remember correctly, the last person whom he vented his anger on

kept on apologizing while slapping himself. “I know that what I said was reckless and I was too ignorant to know any

Elise, who was standing next to him. “It’ll all depend on


as she wasn’t in the mood to bother with

the restaurant. The others who ate on the same table as him also scattered silently as they were afraid of

Kenneth directly and sat


feel a warm breath breathing down

people usually fell in love with the hero when he saved the damsel in distress. Don’t you think you should do something

had the sense to make a move

steadily intercepted and grabbed

eyes, he revealed a teasing smile. “It’s illegal

and replied, “Then I’ll just have to inflict

and his tone became frivolous again as he purred, “Does that mean

“You… Go to hell!”

as she let go of the needle and

retreat and in the end, he

about to rush out to teach him a


Elise couldn’t help but furrow her brows. She couldn’t care less whether Kenneth lived or died, but Melody was

away from my sight immediately.” Elise turned her back on them and uttered darkly, “Miss Melody, I may owe you a favor but even if it’s paid off, I can’t guarantee that I won’t

you.” Melody bowed. With that, she gave

behind them, Melody couldn’t help but scoff. “Boss,

where he was kicked just now while talking sweetly to himself, “Even though Ellie looks fierce, she

appeared all over her body. I think I should just keep my mouth

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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