Chapter 490 We Are Destined for Each Other

“Miss Sinclair!” Tom suddenly came out of nowhere, scaring Elise.

“What’s all this fuss about?” she asked with some annoyance.

“Machine No. 9 is now working on our gemstone. Do you want to take a look at it?” he questioned.

“Alright.” Upon hearing that, Elise nodded her head and went toward the place he specified.

“She’s here. That woman is here!”

“This is the gemstone she chose.”

“I’m surprised she actually dared to come. All the gemstones opened today came from the inner hall, except for hers. I wonder if there’ll be any surprises…”

“What? It came from the outer hall? Then I better look at the other machines.”

Less than a minute after Elise arrived, half of the people there were already gone.

To her, it was a good thing because the air was much fresher with fewer people.

Then, the gemstone master began to open her gemstone.

Not long after, Tom screamed, “I see green!”

Even the gemstone master couldn’t help but be surprised.

Immediately, the people who looked away were drawn by the commotion again as they stretched their necks to watch the action, wanting to know what good could come from that stone.

Ziggy, who was observing everything silently from afar, couldn’t help but concentrate on Elise’s stone.

Could it be that this woman really is the second God’s Chosen Girl? Can she really turn a stone into treasure?

Everyone’s eyes were locked onto the gemstone master’s hands, as if their eyes were the ones opening the gemstones instead of the tools.

opened the outermost layer of the stone,



short silence, their laughter echoed across

comes from the outer

quality average, it also has impurities and broken layers. I wouldn’t take it

ordinary woman after all. I actually thought that there would be a second God’s Chosen Girl, but it seems like I was thinking too much. Serves her right for competing with Ziggy

that was lying on the

remained calm, as if she

off. The whole time, he kept on wiping away the cold sweat on his

nothing about stone gambling. She only won that stone gambling in Landred City entirely because of luck. Based on her ability today, she is no match

stuttered as he didn’t know how to persuade

can’t allow a little girl like her to fall in the hands of Ziggy. Who knows what kind of torture she’ll have to endure? Maybe there’s still time to hire a professional stone gambler since today is only the

patted her mouth as she yawned lazily.

around. The lunch break just

his shoulder. “Don’t be so anxious. After I’m done


to be this honest with me all the time…” She

was completely rendered speechless. He also wanted to joke but under the circumstances, he really

any one. I’ll head back to sleep now.” She waved her hand and turned

it Miss Sinclair who just opened a gemstone with broken layers? What’s the problem? Have you realized that you don’t have the eye for this so you’re trying to run away?” Ziggy’s mocking voice was suddenly


wasn’t in the mood to

open one. Who are you looking for while wandering around blindly?” she said while pretending not to care. As soon as her words reached Ziggy’s ears, he immediately became vigilant, as if he was facing a big enemy of his. Elise smiled thoughtfully and continued, “Looks like I’m right. I’m starting to become increasingly interested

from uncertainty to one of

I have a secret weapon? You’re losing anyway. You better clean yourself properly in the next few days, because I’ll definitely show you

in Elise’s eyes grew

to cheer themselves on because they lack

wait and see.” She shrugged and

Elise returned to the hotel,

feeling hungry, so she washed herself up and grabbed a jacket before going out to

hotel were bad and expensive, so she decided

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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