Chapter 507 Never Offend a Woman

Frostine remained silent as she was lost in her own thoughts.

Then, Elise placed her hand on Frostine’s shoulder and said, “I know that you want to look for Clemence right now. I also do, but out of the two of us, who do you think has a higher chance of finding her?”

“You.” Frostine slouched sadly.

“The plane is landing soon. You still have 5 minutes to think of whether you want to continue waiting aimlessly or help me to find her soon.” Elise patted Frostine’s shoulder before withdrawing her hand.

“There’s no need to think. I’ll follow you,” Frostine answered with firm eyes. “I believe you will be able to find her.”

“Do you trust me that much?” Elise chuckled.

Frostine explained, “It’s because she trusts you a lot. Since you’re someone whom she trusts, I’ll trust you.”

Elise smiled without saying anything.

When the plane landed, Elise entrusted Tom to take care of Frostine and the jadeite. “I want you to take care of that and Frostine. I will bring away the blood jadeite with me, so don’t worry about it. As for the reopening of our business, we’ll just proceed with what we have discussed before with Frostine in charge of the designs. I want Shaw’s Jewelry Co. to make a name for itself at Landred City’s jewelry convention next month.”

In one month’s time, all the jewelry companies in the country would exhibit their new designs at the event, so it would be helpful to gain more clues about Clemence’s missing husband if they could locate her.

Of course, all of this depended on whether Clemence was really missing.

Whether her company—‘Alexis’—would get a slice of the action in the jewelry industry depended heavily on their performance at the convention.

After arriving at her hotel room, Elise had a bite before unlocking her safe.

peacefully resting in the safe as if

help but touch the contour

blood jadeite that she found in

to be in different colors other than green. Whenever that happened, it was

think of in this case was radiation. That’s right. The origin of these blood jadeites must

for a long time in any country unless it was privately or spontaneously created, like being produced

thought that came to her mind was that these

couldn’t convince herself that the sole purpose of those physicists in creating the radiation was to produce these

circled back to the

jadeite as her gaze gradually drifted away. This thing holds the secret of

back to reality

the last number of the password, Elise suddenly thought of someone whom she had forgotten, so she murmured, “It’s time to settle it once and

Elise on her

next day, Elise received a notification

friends and members of the family to see. In between, they didn’t forget to add some polite compliments while reminding her in the


called Alexander to

credit for all your achievements since you are now one of them. Don’t they think that this is a bit too much? I think you shouldn’t attend the ceremony. Maybe you can ask them to delay the ceremony until I’m back. After all, as your fiance, there isn’t a reason for me to not be

because I can handle this myself. I must be there!”

seems as though you have everything

to use them someday. This is a great chance for me to cement my name in the family. By then, it’ll be much easier to ease myself into the Anderson Family

should never mess

you.” She pouted her lips. “This

“What do you need me to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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