Chapter 508 Both Your Daughters Are Being Bullied

“The daughter of the Anderson Family? A-Are you talking about Miss Anderson from Anderson Pharmaceuticals?” The security guard’s eyes lit up as he tilted his head to ask for the store clerk’s help.

Although the store clerks were annoyed by the dispute in the store, they nodded their heads and confirmed her identity since she was one of the store members.

After Celina’s words had received confirmation, the security guard suddenly had the guts to ask Elise and Joey to leave. “Miss, please leave the store right now and stop disturbing our customers.”

Seeing that one side were dressed like wealthy ladies and the other were dressed like college students, the security guards could easily tell who they shouldn’t offend since they were only working here.

“Can’t you hear him? Leave!” Celina roared proudly while rolling her eyes.

“Does your mall always kick their customers out unfairly based on their status?” Elise looked at the two security guards thoughtfully.

“Little girl, it’s for your own good. The Anderson family isn’t someone whom you can offend. Listen to me. Sometimes in life, you just have to step back a little. I suggest that you leave with me now. Otherwise, things will escalate badly if we are to use force,” one of the security guards arrogantly replied to her.

“Fine. I can see that you are one of the more polite ones among the snobs.” She nodded her head and smiled faintly. “I want to see your manager.”

“The outcome will still be the same, so please listen to me and stop wasting our time.”

The other guard was losing his patience, so he went over to Elise and tried to drag her away.

However, as his hand approached her, she suddenly reached out and grabbed him by the wrist before throwing him over her shoulder. When everyone reacted to what had just happened, the guard was already lying on the floor on all fours like a tortoise.

“Wow, you’re so cool!” Joey’s admiration for Elise grew as she couldn’t help but clap for Elise.

ability to make other men fall head over heels

out her phone to call for help. ‘Daddy,

a fight, I need to call for reinforcement as soon as

to notice Joey’s reaction as she stepped on the security guard’s chest and repeated her words seriously, “I want to

once she became serious, everyone present at the scene couldn’t help but

report, “Manager, someone is causing trouble

behind a column at the entrance. Then, he stuck half of his face out to quietly observe


guards was on the floor while the other had fled the scene. Since the store clerk had failed to halt the escaping guard, she curled up and silently hid behind

normal self after a brief moment of fear and

to hit someone? There are many people in elite families who also learn self defense like kickboxing and taekwondo, but let’s see how she’ll cope with more than one guard. She might be able to defeat one guard, but she won’t stand against all the security guards in the mall. When everyone is here,


Faye, she didn’t wish to dwell with Elise for too long since her goal was the Anderson Family’s banquet. If Elise was enraged

her with her eyes. “That’s enough. It

would have been settled by then. Now that she has started a fight, there’s no chance I’m letting her off the

inviting Celina to join her for the day. Hasn’t she had enough already? Why can’t

like someone needs to hide


she was the one being targeted and yelled, “Who are you calling

someone is asking for a fight.” As Joey stored her phone away,

her phone in front of Elise

before she replied with a bitter smile. Don’t tell me she is now bringing her

Joey didn’t care much as she placed her phone back into the pocket of her jeans and crossed her arms with a provocation. “If

her sweet lips. That’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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