Chapter 510 I Want to Propose a Marriage

“Why are their two daughters so different from each other?”

“Don’t you know that the Anderson Family’s eldest daughter was adopted? It’s no longer a secret now.”

“Really? No wonder they’re so different. Mannerism is something embedded in your blood. No matter what luxurious life you have lived, it’s impossible for an adopted child to inherit that grace…”

All of the gossip had reached Faye’s ears.

On the surface, she had remained calm as she smiled from time to time when meeting the guests’ gaze.

She was already used to the flattering and tampering culture of the upper-class society. The reason why the crowd tried to flatter Elise was because she was Austin’s biological daughter and would inherit the Anderson Family’s enterprise in the future, so it would be beneficial for them to befriend Elise.

However, the Anderson Family’s power was still subject to change. Once I regain my position, all of those who have underestimated me will never get to share my power!

After the greetings were done and dealt with, some impatient guests raised their voices to remind Austin, “Mr. Anderson, didn’t you promise us that we can see the blood jadeite today?”

With that, the others immediately followed up. “That’s right. Did the Anderson Family really get their hands on such a rare item?”

Listening to them, Faye quietly controlled her laughter while wearing an unnoticeable sinister smile.

Austin nodded his head slightly and looked at Elise. “Yoyo, did you bring the blood jadeite?” he asked gently.

As soon as he finished his sentence, the surprised voice of the welcoming servants was heard coming from the entrance. “Mr. Kenneth Bailey from Smith Co. is here!”

“Kenneth actually showed up! He is that big shot from Landred City!”

“I never imagined the Anderson Family to have connections with him!”

“Has anyone ever counted how much property Smith Co. has?”

across the entire country. It’s just a matter of time before Athesea

they were more interested

pair of white gloves as he showed up with Melody and Johnny. He went straight toward

frowned her brows

a while, Miss Anderson. I hope I didn’t ruin

successfully stolen my spotlight,” she answered

faintly. “Believe me, Miss Anderson. No one can ever steal the spotlight from

compliment. However, I’m not in the mood to argue with you today, so if there’s nothing

the guests, their bickering made

close relationship between


youngest daughter for being so beautiful! If I were him, I

too straightforward with her words, so please do not take it to heart. You may go to the side to have some drinks first. I’ll personally

Kenneth glanced at Austin, he became much more respectful toward the older man. With just a change of identity, my future father-in-law now has a lot of respect for me. Looks

Kenneth casually removed his gloves. “I haven’t even


signaled for

file over to Austin. “Mr. Anderson,

yellow paper bag that didn’t

he still received it, albeit resentfully. “That’s

it kept away in the house first, but

the guest was a foreign culture. Even though it wasn’t encouraged in the country, it wasn’t something that people avoided doing. Yet, it didn’t mean that the gift must be opened immediately. However, the guests were so interested in what an impressive person

Austin had no choice but to

the file was nothing but

agreement?” He instinctively read the title

marriage and this is my betrothal gift. It

was immediately in an

to at least ten billion, and he’s just going to give

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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