Chapter 511 Unable to Resist

Kenneth looked at her cynically, but he did not utter a word.

To Faye, his behavior was indicative of a silent approval. She turned around to look at Elise before saying, “I’m sorry to snatch your limelight, Elise, but you should know that I’ve been unhappy for a few years since I was engaged to Johan. Now that I finally have the opportunity to pursue true love, I must be brave.”

Elise raised her eyebrow. “Whatever. Perhaps this is not a good thing after all. Faye, women who blindly seek ‘true love’ usually do not end up well.”

“Now, aren’t you quite petty, Elise? Even though your fiance has gone bankrupt, you have been loyally staying by his side. If you are with the right person, you don’t have to worry about the unpredictable future,” Faye said haughtily, as though she was already Kenneth’s fiancee.

“Very true indeed. I don’t have your guts to do anything I want, though.” With that, Elise smiled sarcastically.

Faye’s facial expression slightly changed upon sensing that there was a hidden meaning in Elise’s words, but she could not understand what Elise was implying.

Soon, she remembered that it was a party after all and was excited and eager once again. “Kenneth, Elise is the main guest of this party here, so let’s have a chat in the room.”

With that, Faye walked forward to hold Kenneth’s arms.

However, before her fingers could even touch him, Kenneth raised his arms delicately to avoid her.

“Please have some self-respect.” His face darkened as he left her hand dangling mid-air in an awkward position.

Her smile became quite awkward, but she still forced herself to smile as she tried to resolve her faux pas. “Kenneth, you are so good at teasing!”

“Who said I was teasing you? Do I even know you?” He looked at her impassively.

Faye’s body gave a jolt. “You just told my father that you want to marry me…”

“Oh! I thought the Anderson Family only has one daughter. I didn’t know that the foster daughter is

publicly as they had to take her feelings into account. At this moment when everyone’s focus was on them, it was undeniably an insult to Faye that Kenneth had pointed it

flared up. “Since you are looking down on me, why did you

words, how high and mighty could you be for wanting

that I want to marry you? You think too highly of

tinge of anger, he emanated a powerful air around him

less than two seconds before he looked at Elise gently. “The woman

gosh, this is too

seen Faye’s behavior earlier? She seems very forward with

like her is no good at all! Fortunately, God is fair and did not

yet she dreams of being together with Kenneth. Does she even know who he is? He stands out even among a group of talented men. Will

right! I’ve been dissatisfied by her arrogant attitude for a long

ridicules rang one after another. Faye’s cheeks were flushed as she gritted her teeth,

heights. She had already embarrassed herself enough earlier. If she could

in Dukethorn. Why is he still so persistent? Could it be that

I think you know that my youngest

Kenneth looked at Elise affectionately without looking elsewhere. “Since they are just engaged, I still have a fair opportunity as long as they are not married. Isn’t

love my fiance very much and

retracted his gaze and turned around.

hearing that, Melody took an exquisitely wrapped gift and placed it in

it?” Elise had no plans

yearn for,” Kenneth replied. “Look at it first before deciding whether you want to give me

his confidence, Elise’s

has actually boosted the economy of Landred City until it surpassed Athesea. He

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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