Chapter 512 So What If You’re Born Into a Good Family?

As everyone was still obsessed with the red jade, Faye finally couldn’t help but start her so-called performance.

“The red jade is such a precious item. I’m sure you took a lot of effort to buy it for the Anderson Family.”

With that, she took out a check and forced it into Elise’s hand. “Here’s the ten million that you spent for the red jade. You can take the balance as your tip.”

Elise looked at the check in her hand and arched her eyebrow. “What do you mean? Are you buying my red jade for ten million?”

Her words attracted the attention of the guests.

“Ten million? I can’t believe Faye has the guts to even say it out loud!”

“The red jade is so rare that we can only see it once in a century! A while ago at Pete’s Auction, the necklace made from the cerulean jade was worth almost 100 million, let alone the red jade!”

“It seems like the pair of sisters from the Anderson Family will have enough to fight with each other.”

Without waiting for Faye’s reply, Elise turned around to hand the check to Joey.

“Take this, Joey. This is a gift from Miss Faye to you as your tip for bringing the red jade here.”

What? I’m getting a tip for bringing such a small item here?


a tip for her! The money is to be used to buy the red jade!”

remember at the auction, Elise didn’t even sell it when others offered it at 100 million. Are you going to use some sweet words to make Elise suffer

alone, so she quickly mentioned Austin’s name to support her. “Yoona is a part of the Anderson Family, so her belongings are also owned by the family. Apart from that, this is what

of everything! When I’m free, I’m

price in front of all the guests. However, now

our father’s intention too?” Elise chuckled coldly as she looked at Austin steadily. “Do you really mean to give

to her. If you are

have enough money to begin with and I’ve already made a deal to give this to Mr. Shaw

Family can help you to terminate your deal

was so furious that she let out a snort of laughter. “Is this how you do business?

way I do business has always been putting the profits of the Anderson

selfless of you.” Elise’s lips curled into a cold smile. “Why don’t you hand over the jade worth 5 million that you received last time? Set an example that I can follow. If you hand it over, I will naturally


one who hired people to steal my jade, and she even accused me of stealing it myself! How dare she take this matter out to attack my weak points! It’s all her fault that the police in Landred City thought I was a lunatic! Even now, I can’t even find

are now talking about you now. It’s fine if you don’t listen to my

her condescendingly as she said meaningfully, “Hah! I’m not the only one who

me clearly—are you going to hand the red jade over?” Faye looked at Elise fiercely as she had formulated some plans in

would be credited as the person who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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