Chapter 516 Error

“The jewelry that the Shaw Family makes is not only about the value of the gem but also about accentuating the gem’s natural beauty with outstanding designs. Most customers choose Shaw’s Jewelry Co. for our unique designs. However, when the Saunders Family, the family that made a fortune in the real estate industry, entered the jewelry business, they despicably altered and improved the designs of Shaw’s Jewelry Co. before declaring it as theirs. To make matters worse, they sold the products at 30% lower than the market price. And just like that, Shaw’s Jewelry Co. gradually phased out.”

The more Tom explained, the more enraged he was. He spat and continued, “Imitation and forgery are the most loathsome means, but the Saunderses are unashamed by them. Not only that, there was a time when they even forged a batch of jewelry and released them into the market. Everyone gradually thought that Shaw’s Jewelry Co. sold counterfeits since most of the items had imitated the company’s designs. Although the entire jewelry industry was affected, the Shaw Jewelry Co. has never been able to change people’s perception about us since then.”

Elise patiently listened to his story and thoughtfully nodded. “I see. No wonder you gritted your teeth when the Saunderses were mentioned.”

“I’m sorry, but I really resent them.” Tom collected himself and exhaled before he reminded her, “The Saunders Family are despicable and shameless people. This time, we managed to bring back a red jade, so they won’t just sit back and watch. If they were to pull off the same trick again, I’m afraid that—”

She understood where he came from but still interrupted with a confident bearing, “What’s there to be afraid of? We will deal with everything that comes. Since they like to execute shady deeds, I’ll make sure that the market is as bright as the sun.”

“As bright as the sun? Are you going to restructure the market? I don’t think it’s something that could be done overnight.” He voiced his reservation about the plan.

“No, no, no.” Elise wagged her index finger from side to side. “I’m not that generous; I’m only concerned with my own business. This is why I requested you to make a signboard. We have to build our own brand. Even if the customers are able to buy the same design, it would be a second-class product that would embarrass them if it isn’t a product of our brand. Plus, don’t forget that we have Frostine by our side. We will have our own brand as well as good designs—I call this double security.” The Saunders Family may have their schemes, but I have my own strategies as well. Bring it on!

The gloom within Tom’s eyes disappeared as a flame of hope started to burn inside him. However, he suddenly felt troubled. “Building our own brand is not a small expense, though.”

“I still hold the same opinion to that notion—problems that can be solved by money aren’t problems.” Elise advised, “All you have to do is to focus on your task as the company director, manage the company well, follow my instructions and supervise the progress. You may leave the rest to others.”

“Sure! Miss Sinclair, please be rest assured. Nothing will happen to the Shaw’s Jewelry Co. under my watch!” Tom adamantly declared. Then, he paused for a moment as his gaze landed on the news on the small screen. He couldn’t help but add, “The news on the Internet—”

“Just let it be. We should thank her for giving us free advertisement,” she responded, a slight smile on her lips.

rose to

it more polite to at least inform me that you are dropping off the call now that the

soon as she said that, Tom’s head popped out from a corner of her screen. “Huh? I’m still


had to admit that a human could sometimes scare a fellow homo sapien more effectively than a

you doing?”

meters away from the computer. Then, he flipped the log to show it to her. “Miss Sinclair,

when Elise saw the words ‘Lexis’, she wasn’t

see that the

his hand, pleased that he had finally done something worth complimenting. However, a few seconds later, he finally returned to his senses and realized her last three words—’please

that he craned his neck. “Why, though, Miss Sinclair? This is our sixth design. Both Miss Murray and I find that it looks

wrong! I meant ‘Alexis’ with my boyfriend’s

I see. Alexis. Lexis. I think I may have mixed

not ‘may’, it’s ‘must’.” Elise, who was rendered speechless, shook her head

for a while before she gave Frostine a

after 30 seconds. She found a good angle that

Elise’s gaze; she seemed anxious, as

me. All I want is to see your designs.” Elise went straight

before she took her first drafts and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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