Chapter 517 Do I Have a Reason to Reject It?

“I’m not interested,” Elise muttered and was about to hang up the call.

“Don’t reject me so fast, Miss Anderson. Perhaps I can give you a surprise tomorrow night, just like how I did during yesterday’s banquet,” Kenneth profoundly answered.

Elise had to admit that he had caught hold of her weak spot.

Or rather, Kenneth’s aim from the very beginning had been tomorrow’s gathering. The USB flash drive that he gave her at the Anderson Residence was only to initiate a better return, so that she would believe that he had the ability to easily resolve her dire situation.

She could feel an invisible net enveloping her, whereby the other end of the net was within Kenneth’s hand. He was slowly pulling the net in an attempt to capture her.

Nonetheless, she had never been one to be afraid of challenges. Even if her efforts would be in vain, she would risk everything to seek for what she wanted.

After a brief silence, Elise caved in. “It’s a deal. Send me the address and time.” She then ended the call without waiting for Kenneth to reply.

Ironically, the moment she hung up the call, Tom’s message popped up.

‘Miss Sinclair, why did you end the call so soon?’

‘Don’t worry, I won’t get it wrong this time.’

‘The Saunders Family sent us an invitation to Celina’s birthday banquet tomorrow. Should I go?’

‘Miss Sinclair, do you find me annoying?’

seems like Celina dislikes me a lot. However, a mere Celina is unworthy for

to give her some time to think it

she tapped it open, the message

texted, ‘Accompany us to the Saunders Family’s birthday banquet

her opinion, but he naturally included

the brief message,

she happened to see Kenneth’s message, so she replied, ‘I have an appointment tomorrow. Get someone else

appointment? Who has the guts to snatch

was cold when she saw that. He

the time doesn’t clash. Doing only a single thing

side, Miss Anderson? Considering how sincere I am now,

unrelenting Kenneth sent another three messages, which instantly flooded

sure that we should continue to chat like this?’ popped up, Elise immediately agreed that they shouldn’t. There

instantaneously, he gave her a WhatsApp call and she answered it on loudspeaker. “I don’t buy what you said—if it’s just a gathering, you don’t necessarily need me to be

mean that it’s a lie. Miss Anderson, I don’t mind using Smith Co.’s network to search for your

to locate Clemence shows


I possibly reject your generous offer?” she responded,

you afraid that you won’t be able to recover your capital after investing so much resources on me?” Elise asked in a menacing tone. The way she phrased it was rather clever. She

again, but it’s impossible to find another exceptional date like you, Miss Anderson. I don’t like leaving things half-done and even hate giving up without trying. Therefore, I’ll do my very best to change your mind. All I hope is that you won’t be

smooth talker.” Then,

Elise that night. As she greeted the guests at the door, she looked down at the middle-aged man in

Saunders Family.” The man bowed at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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