Chapter 528 A Long Way to Go

Elise’s face grew stern. “Within this month, I’ve gotten my hands on two Peculiar Jadeite, and I suspect that they were the result of the radiation caused by an extremist organization.”

“I’ll be honest with you. Recently, we’ve been looking into the disappearance of missing physicists. In the past three years, more and more physicists in Cittadel had gone missing. There’s certainly a connection between the Peculiar Jadeite and these missing physicists.”

“The Peculiar Jadeite you now possess is the first one there is in Cittadel, so it’s pretty important. I hope that, for the sake of Cittadel’s scientific development, you’ll be able to shed light on our confusion.”

Steven stared at her in surprise. “Are you cops?”

“No, not exactly.” With a straight face, Elise continued, “But my family and lover have suffered, some more than the other, because of these Peculiar Jadeites, so I need to find out the truth for their sake.”

Understanding her perception, Steven nodded in empathy.

After a moment of wondering, Elise changed her approach. “Perhaps you can tell me if the jadeite came from within the country or abroad?”

After a long while of silence, Steven took off his glasses, wiping the lenses as he said, “I acquired the jadeite from a physics professor named Lancaster. Even now, the Peculiar Jadeite remains a rare substance. He asked for less than a hundred thousand at the time, but fearing he might regret it, I sent him a check of one million, sealing our exchange.”

“Lancaster? Timothy Lancaster?” Elise anxiously pursued. If Timothy’s our guy, then things are coming together!

then put on his glasses. As he adjusted


though.” Shortly after, he elaborated, “The jadeite is precious to me, so I can definitely recognize the man if I were

bowed to the old man. “Thank you very much for your help, Mr. Randall. In my family and the missing scientists’

her up. “No, no, no. Don’t bow to me. You’re Old Reynolds’ master. I can’t accept this! Besides, this is beneficial to me as well,

After saving each other’s number, they left and went their own

Steven leave, curiously uttering, “We now know the Peculiar Jadeites came from the physicists, and this proves you’re looking in the right direction. If we’re able to locate this

surface. It’s still a long way to go, but…” She erased the worrying look on her face and turned to Kenneth, sincerely saying, “I still have you to thank for today.


for in the future. Why don’t we make a promise? Instead of thank yous, say

see you again’? That’s cheesy as hell! In no damn situation will I ever

“I hope… to never see you

and heaved a long sigh,

boss? Of course you can achieve whatever you set your eyes

not like Smith Co. is Santa, allowing me to wake up to whatever I want the next day.” Kenneth lifted his eyes—his

had done, she perturbedly frowned. What am I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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