Chapter 529 We Already Hugged

“Oh, you interested?” Elise shot him a sunny smile and immediately withdrew it, expressionlessly saying, “See for yourself, then.” With that, she turned away and seemed to have no intention to continue. That’s what you get for threatening me with Claude!

Rendered speechless, Kenneth furiously rolled his eyes. All of a sudden, he had an idea. Casually, he rested one leg on the other, uttering, “Since you asked for it, fine, I’ll be your plus-one. You don’t have to thank me, alright.”

“Who thanked you!” Elise yelled, irked. When she blurted those words, she realized his implication and stared at him with her pretty, round eyes. “No, I mean, who asked for a plus-one? Don’t get ahead of yourself!”

“Hmm…” Kenneth let out a long hum and revealed a helpless look. “Don’t worry. I won’t embarrass you. Besides, I’m already here. If words were to spread that I let you walk into the dog-eat-dog occasion alone, how is Kenneth Bailey going to survive in society?”

“The what now?” Elise was thoroughly baffled. “What does this have to do with you?”

“Well, see for yourself, then.” He then turned his body toward her, brushing his arm against the back of her seat and stopping when his hand was behind her neck. With a concerning look, he ogled at her. “Stop being so angry, okay? You’ll get wrinkles!”

Elise glanced at his invasive hand from the corner of her eyes, malice evident in them. “I’ll stop if you don’t show up. If this thing behind me dares to cross its line, I won’t mind breaking it just so you know.”

Peering at his hand, he lifted his brows as he silently withdrew it. “We already hugged anyway. What line is there?”

Instantaneously, Elise shot a knifehand strike at him, to which he, with his keen senses, stopped it.

nonsense from you, I’ll

of her and raised his hands,

and turned to the other side of the car, leaving a wide

this moment, Kenneth answered a phone call,

so, the car continued heading to Saunders

the event, she specifically looked for a skilled makeup artist to doll her up, and walked out of the shop feeling remarkably more confident. While in her car, she wouldn’t stop looking at her own reflection in a makeup mirror, admiring her elegant face. Price for quality, that’s for sure! The makeup artist charged me tens of thousands, but her craft is obviously far superior to the usual ones! Right then,

at Saunders Residence. Her steps were rather hasty as she walked in the manor. As a member of Celina’s think tank, she was reminded to arrive as early as possible, but her morning meeting caused her to be late, and now she would have to

countless vehicles of different brands. There was only one thing they had

were sporting outfits of either bright or dull colors. Out of all the shades in the color spectrum, only red was absent. She subconsciously bit her lips, thinking that


the banquet. However, Faye thought that even without the gown, her appearance and quality alone were already alluring enough for her to be the center of attention. Back when she was walking into the manor, she caught a few guests being stunned and gasping at her breathtaking appearance, and that was when

a dreamy scenery from Hollywood to satisfy the young ladies’ desire. Moreover, a number of graceful ornaments were added for the rooms to appear nobler,

in the circle. Although they weren’t exactly distinguished, due to their

first class citizens were moving around in the hall, Celina showed up among the guests in an

like a true

I didn’t think you needed anything, so I bought a Lego Disney

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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