Chapter 531 The One Trying to Kill Her Father

At this very moment, Faye’s heart stopped as the guests condemned her one after another.

“To think that someone came to the Saunders Residence wearing a red dress! What a nerve!”

“Who is she? Does she bear a grudge against the Saunderses or something? Isn’t it obvious that she’s trying to embarrass them?”

“Everyone knows that when Mrs. Saunders died, rumors about her red dress were all over the tabloid magazines. Mr. Saunders even withdrew from the public eye for nearly half a year because of that!”

“It’s mean of her to spoil the party using the party host’s scandals!”

Soon, the young ladies who had gone shopping and had afternoon tea with Faye before recognized her. “Oh, my God! Is that Faye? Does she have a screw loose or something? Why would she come here while dressed up like that?!”

“She and Celina had always been inseparable when we hung out together. Is she wearing a red dress to mock Mr. Saunders for having been cuckolded?”

“My world’s turning upside down, honestly. I used to think that Faye was pretty nice, but I didn’t expect her to be such a woman in private. I gotta be on guard against her at my family’s parties from now on…”

limelight at the party with her beauty, but she never thought she would end up being condemned by everyone. She felt like her feet had been filled with

mind’s eye, approaching him and wrapping itself tightly around him like a huge piece of red plastic, rendering him unable to breathe. He recalled the car accident back then, as well as the reports on his wife’s love affair with that guy and the countless gossip mocking him for being

but she couldn’t prop him up as a lady. In the

surrounded David. The scene was in complete chaos. Some

looking back just now, believing that the person who had come in was Elise. However, when David showed no signs of regaining consciousness upon receiving first-aid, she finally panicked for real. “Dad! Dad, wake up!” She gave David a hard shove, but he didn’t show

she tentatively put out two fingers and put

Mr. Saunders is

God! How

for an ambulance? No, let’s send him to the hospital right away.

to the

lunged at Faye and grabbed her. “She’s the

the one who

totally blank. She could no longer care about her plan or Elise or anything else. All she had wanted was to embarrass Elise in public and destroy the latter’s good reputation by using her dead mother. But who would’ve thought that her father, who loved her more than anyone else did, would end

the family’s footing wasn’t solid yet. Moreover, David had never touched another woman since his wife passed away, so Celina was the only other person left in the Saunders Family at present. If David died, how was she

was, her hatred for Elise! If it weren’t for Elise, all of this wouldn’t have happened. It was Elise who killed Dad. I’m gonna get her to pay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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