Chapter 532 Kenneth Hits Women?

Celina felt a splitting headache as the guests tried to get a word in all at once. She took a deep breath. She wished she could skin Elise alive, but she couldn’t do anything because these guests were looking daggers at her. In the end, she could only close her eyes and tacitly consent to Elise giving David first aid.

Elise could’ve turned a blind eye to the situation at first, but on second thoughts, she realized that David was totally innocent—no one would trifle with their own lives, after all. She couldn’t just sit by and watch a person die even if it was a stranger, let alone now. It was the father’s fault for not teaching his child to behave well, and Celina had to bear the consequences for setting her up, but David didn’t deserve to die. And besides, David was still of use to her.

Elise stepped forward and reached out to take the pulse in David’s neck. It was weak; there was hardly any pulse at all. She then straightened the man’s arms and rolled up his sleeves, and sure enough, she noticed the protruding veins on his arms. His left lung is probably injured, she thought.

The situation was grave. David passed out not only because his sudden anger had deprived his brain of oxygen; the other reason was that there was a severe accumulation of gas in his pleural cavity. If the gas wasn’t released as soon as possible, he would be unable to breathe on his own for a long time. Soon, his organs would stop working, and he would die completely.

Elise couldn’t perform a surgery to deal with the lack of oxygen in David’s brain, but she could try releasing the gas in his pleural cavity.

“Can Master David be saved, miss?” Regina asked, her eyes reddened. David and Celina had treated her well over the few years she had been working at the Saunders Residence. If she really ended up killing David this time, she would have to spend the rest of her life with a guilty conscience.

Elise’s expression was grave, though. “It’s not easy to save him. I have to remove the gas that has been accumulating in his pleural cavity, but I can’t do it with so many people being present here. Get him to the lounge, please.”

Soon, several male guests helped carry David into a room.

Elise stood where she was while pondering over how to deal with the situation. If she were in a hospital, she could’ve had the doctor remove the gas surgically using medical instruments, but there were neither doctors nor medical instruments here.

Soon, her eyes fell on the large aquarium beside the dining table.

booster pump. After tossing the tube onto the dining table, she cleaned its exterior with liquor and poured alcohol into the tube, disinfecting it

After disinfecting the knife in the same manner, she grabbed two half-full bottles of whiskey and ordered the servants to

her again. “What

also what the other guests would like to ask. They totally didn’t understand Elise’s

her voice was devoid of warmth. At this very moment, she

look in anyone’s eyes before. In an instant, she was frightened by that look; then, her fear was overtaken by feelings of unease, guilt, and anxiety. She didn’t want David to die, nor was she willing to see that happen. “I’ll never let you off if anything happens to

at her

the people had left, leaving only Regina and some of David’s buddies in

second time, she cut the tube into a long one and a short one. Then, she inserted one end of the longer tube into the half-full bottle of whiskey until it touched

unbuttoned David’s shirt, and made an incision in the lower part of the left side

the longer tube. Half a minute later, David took a sharp breath in bed and resumed

of the scene, everyone breathed a sigh of


“It’s just a simple version of the one-way valve principle. Before the rupture in his lung heals, air will keep flowing into the pleural cavity and accumulate there. The tube can remove the gas, whereas the alcohol stops the air from

with a complicated look on her face, Celina stared at Elise morosely, her feelings mixed. She had thought that Elise was skilled in medicine, but it turned out that all the latter knew was but some simple daily life principles. Valve? Removing the gas? Sounds like part of the manual labor that only a child that became the breadwinner for their family at an early age would experience. To think that she would show off by capitalizing on her experience in the

Elise anymore. “All you can do is such unskilled work,” she said sarcastically. “Since you’ve finished giving first aid, hurry up and get out of here. Stay away

not the living hall. There weren’t any meddlesome guests, so Celina felt she could do whatever she pleased. Since David was alive, it was only natural that a doctor would save him, so Celina felt it was time to chase Elise away. There was no way she would let Elise wait here until David regained consciousness

stand the sight of what was happening. “It’s wrong of you to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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