Cruel World

Chapter 14: chap13


She looked at her stomach which is looking a little 5 months of her pregnancy she was getting bigger and bigger ....she looked at her pale face and prominent dark circles under the eyes, doctor has already told her she is still underweight but better than before but strictly told her to control her diet and stay stress free...but how she can tell her that she was all alone in this pregnancy and not once she get any support from anyone, she has been having back pain and swollen feet issues but never once Theo helped her or asked her how she is doing..she get it, he hates her but its his baby too ...she thought in hurt ..

Mrs Brickson is doing everything in her power to take care Sarah but due to her old and weak bones let Mrs Brickson be on bed lately....she just wants Mrs Brickson to get well soon..she can't lose her.

As per Theo and her relation...what she should say ..he ignore her and say nasty stuff in the day but in the night he worship her body and take her to the height of pleasure although he has some moments were he turned into evil sadist person but he doesn't hurt her body in that manner that made her bleed or let her it used to happen in the past.

she was getting outside the room when she heard her mother in law yelling at her and telling to come to her wing with her green tea.

Sarah looked at her feet which were little swell but knowing it will get worse they way Mrs. Grey is telling the tasks of the day...she took a deep breath and enter her room

Roma was already on phone and saying 'Oh yes, do come over today, I already said to other women's of community party to come and have a brunch in my house'

Sarah looked down and waited when this damn phone call will be finished... She wanted to sit down just for a moment but she controls that urge...Roma said on phone 'oh I will tell my servant to make that cake you loved, hahaha, sure bye'

Roma looked at her and said 'Today some guests are coming..Prepare the brunch the way I liked and also make that chocolate cake you made once..and also take out the new crockery and tell the butler Henry to get the poolside clean and I want you to look after that area and guide the Butler to clean the area properly...then called Lisa from her wing and tell her I'm calling and also take out my clothes for the evening and iron them and also iron Lisa dress go what are you even looking at me...we don't have time at all.. I don't want you to mess this..go now'

Sarah was stun how she is even going to do this task in this time frame...she wants to cry in her helpless situation but also wants to broke every expensive thing in this room in anger...can't Roma see, can't Theo see... can't anyone see how tired and weak she is due to this pregnancy... She controls this anger and her emotions and nodes, to start her day.


tiring task to Sarah... even he knows his mother did this deliberately to provoke Sarah and even him to react. He wants to feel happy what's happening to Sarah but he didn't feel anything like that..all he felt an undefined feeling that making his heart to be guilty and don't know why he is...maybe it's due to Sarah difficult pregnancy

name, he watched how Sarah flinched and said 'Yes Lisa, I'm sorry I was cooking I didn't hear you... I'm done

you press this dress when I told

wife looked confused 'It was in

simple minded are you, I told you to pick the dress from the chair not from the bed...the dress you pressed, I was going to wear tomorrow for office function ... now go and pressed

more worse since she heard about her pregnancy, as Lisa and Tom are trying for a baby for years and no successes, but then he realized it was him that allow everyone to behave with Sarah.... he felt guilt feeling again

lost in the thought but then heard Tom voice

some documents to be signed when they

dad is coming next month.. you

think this time he

know about Sarah pregnancy (at seeing Theo face) you haven't told what

thing that we do

chair and said 'Theo...look I'm your brother and I can't see you living like this .. I want you to be happy..and this marriage is not making you have to get out of this the only thing I can suggest now that you have tried the hard way now listen to me once ... try the soft way. I think she may confess and let you get out of this mess..and give us a peace that we always wanted and I get it now baby is involved but you have planned that too..and somehow this is a Grey baby we won't ignore it..but it's important that Sarah confess

Tom..but I can't promise that I will be too

'Good I'm hopeful this will work..and I contact that Evan guy according to him he is looking on Simon's friend more

life has been changed

in on the pool chair, his heart starts beating fast and felt his goose bumps and he was scared what happens to her...he turn the volume up and he saw his mother running towards Sarah and heard his mother shouting ' You

don't know how this happen but all of a sudden I saw a blackout and I can't control myself and drop this...maybe I haven't eaten something that's why I felt dizziness... you know my pregnancy is not easy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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