Cruel World

Chapter 15: chap14


For the fourth time Sarah changed her clothes..nothing was getting fit because of her huge 7th and half month of her pregnancy, she knew she will bust up in any she is going to survive that it's already so tiring...Although her workload is quite less as Roma all of a sudden start ignoring her...she has a feeling Theo is behind that because after the day of brunch Roma never called me to do her work. Which is good?

Very good even Theo is not behind she is relieved. Because she truly doesn't like that woman who hurt her and talk shit about her baby... well no one is happy about her baby except Theo dad

Theo dad has come recently home and he is very excited about the baby. She saw the tears in his eyes when he saw she was pregnant ...he also told her that he really wished it is a girl ...but Sarah wants it to be a boy..not a girl...if her daughter is just like her who will protect her if she can't make it in labor room ...her son will be strong and won't have to face the same faith that his mother did. She start looking for other clothes in the bag...may be she can find something lose...she found a summer type dress which looks quite old , maybe it was a time of before her marriage..when she used to have curves and healthy bones ...but now she might be pregnant but lose her curves a long time ago thanks to Theo and his family member..she try to wear that somehow it fit but her stomach was now very profound but it's better than others...she decided to do some shopping but she doesn't have the money...normally she never buy anything.

As she never get outside the house, never Theo brought her something... like Tom used to buy for Lisa.

She should ask Theo ..if he can buy her maternal medicine and other stuff then he can buy her some lose clothes and some baby this time young mothers usually buy clothes and do preparation for the nursery but she did she can ..what's position she holds in this family? she knew she won't even get the nursery room in this huge house she has to manage a small crib in their large room..maybe, the tv lounge of her room it's mostly quite...but still, she need necessary items now...she heard Theo voice in the room. She walked out from the wardrobe and saw Theo talking on the phone and yelling 'Do whatever the fuck you want to do..but make sure those documents are signed today..otherwise consider your self-fire'

Well, he is the mood today...which means no good time for her..but how long she will put her topic of maternal clothes on rest...she walked towards water dispenser and put water on the glass and give it to the Theo.

Theo was still on phone but he took the water and drink it in one sip and give the glass to her...she saw him sit down and was barking orders to poor PA ...after his call was done he starts scrolling his phone ..she goes to him and with great difficulty she sit down and start to remove his shoes but stop when she heard 'What are you doing' Theo said in a curious voice

She replied softly 'I was removing the shoes '

'Yeah I can see that..but are you out of your mind your almost what 7 months pregnant and sitting down in this way ..are you trying to kill yourself ..for now on don't do it' he said in an authoritative voice

Sarah looked confused 'I didn't realize maybe I used to do that.Ok I won't'

She tries to stand but as she was very heavy she can't, Theo sighs and hold her by her arms.

Sarah felt that if he can show a little bit concern on her pregnancy then he can understand why she needs clothes. Theo was busy with the phone and sending the email, she said 'Sir..i ..can I talk to you'

Theo stop for a moment and looked at her and said 'What..say it quickly I'm busy' he again looked down his phone

'Sir..i need some clothes. I can't fit in any of my old ones..and I need some baby clothes too and a crib'

Theo slowly put down his phone on the table and looked for a moment to Sarah 'the clothes look fine to me..not uncomfortable..and as you can see I earn my money with lot of hard work so why should I waste my money on something which I never wanted (he pointed at her pregnant belly) I don't have time nor any interest in are getting the necessary things like food and medicine to be grateful for go make a cup of coffee for me.

Sarah heart breaks into tiny he can say this to her...why can't he accept this baby..when he will let his hate for her ruined her child happiness...but the bigger issues are how she is going to survive on these fitting clothes.. she need the stuff urgently.

knitting stuff ...Mrs. Brickson looks confused and said 'I can knit some newborn sweaters, socks, and heavy clothes easily.. but you will need other stuff too like a baby bag which there should be some cute Onesie, feeder, diaper bag

worried and puzzle, now where she will get this thing 'Oh I didn't know about that... I thought clothes will be the

clothes are very important..and don't push yourself ..young mother mostly don't know about this stuff...but a baby needs a lot of different stuff...less, for now, can you teach me how to knit..i know the

do one thing...we both make some baby clothes together..i have the all the knitting stuff... I used to make clothes for my I will do for this little the meanwhile, you can also learn from's easy for you if you know the

she is doing something for her child ' so

morning she will be done with two sweaters. Sarah felt so excited...she used to do simple work in pregnancy which makes her so tired but learning and doing knitting made her somehow calm and fresh. Sarah thought she still has some time ... dinner will be in 7 or 8 so she

here if Lisa agreed, it will make her task easier..she knocked on the door and heard come in... When she entered the room she heard both Lisa and Tom were laughing and getting cozy with each other. Looking at them she felt that what If Theo is also like this

to her ..makes

Lisa look uncomfortable 'What you need from Lisa' he again said in

said 'Yes

sewing machine or not...she felt embarrassed and hurt they way Tom is glaring her that she might have some dirty motive ..but she needs to stitch the clothes so she said 'I...if you don't mind can I borrow your sewing machine.. I mean if you need

and Lisa looked confused at her then Lisa said 'Yeah I do have an electronic sewing machine my mother give it to me but it's of no use, you can take it but what exactly you will do with

replied 'My clothes are quite tight ... I need to lose them up .. I unstitch the fitting area

said 'here it is..(Sarah take the machine

those unwanted tears..stupid hormones are making her emotional in front

the truth when they saw how Sarah hesitate and lied to them..they know

now..if that's what you want..and give it to Lisa on time'... Sarah looked hurt how tom indicated that like she will never return it..she nodes..when she was getting out their room she heard Tom saying 'I don't like it Lisa..You and her are

friends. I just help her because I feel pity for her and she asked something

said 'i don't want you to even pity her..she

know..and I still hate her for that..but I'm a human too. she is pregnant and she doesn't have any maternal and baby clothes I

'still stay away from her, she is a bad influence and bad news..I don't

tears were flowing and she can't listen anymore..Knowing that the people of the house hate her is

start working on loosening her fitted took time because she can't figure out the electronic sewing machine working..after putting her lot of time into assembling and reading the instruction she finally start working on her the time she was working on her 3rd dress ..she saw Mr grey smiling at her and saying 'Sarah..hi what

chair and said 'Do you need

I'm going tomorrow and only you can give me a tough competition in this game and no one else (Sarah laughed) but what are you doing with sewing machine and look at these small knitting sweaters and socks, my grandson or daughter will look so cute in this...did you make this?' Mr grey picked those knitted clothes and looked

the help of Mrs Brickson I made it...Mrs. Brickson is also making by the time at least

and said 'Oh yes the time is close ...what why are tiring yourself..go for a shopping buy some stuff ... what are do with those clothes (he

clothes but are getting tight so I thought I should

can get more comfortable clothes in the market and what about the nursery stuff sure you need

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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