Cruel World

Chapter 45: chap44


She looked at the white walls of the prison...she was nervous that she will be caught but she also knows this is the save place to do what she wants...she was waiting in the personal office of the jailer and look at the time since holding a Grey name no one ever raises a finger on her...she has to be back at home in half an hour...everyone will be awake for breakfast and start looking for her.

The jailer came with a cunning smile and literally bow her ...Roma roll her eyes...'Im in's the packet'

She put down the brown packet and stand, the jailer's eyes spark with greed and she opens the packet and smiles 'Mrs grey your kind gesture always make me happy...thank you so much...

Roma arrogantly said 'You know why you get this what I want and don't tell anyone that I came here'

Jailer nodes quickly 'of course Mrs. grey...I will make sure to torture that little mouse more, but you do know I can also do something else just give me a signal'

Roma knows what she is indicating, and she shivers with the thought...surely, she wants Sarah to live a miserable life but killing her is enough? She was nervous what to say on this....6 years are more but not enough for what Sarah did with her daughter, she all see red when she thought about that

Roma wear her sunglasses 'I want you to mentally torture her maybe she kills herself' she gives her a knowing smile



He wakes again the way he is waking up with that dream ...he shakes his head and get ready for office...he was going down for breakfast but stop to check Ava was across this office...he was hesitant in the start to shift in different room but his mom was determined that its time for him to move on.

He opens the door and saw the small and tiny figure of Ava playing with a broken doll which appearance looks like it was well used.

He winced when he realized it's the same doll that Sarah has got for Ava when they were in Miami...after that Ava never got toys...he looked at the almost empty room of Ava..where a small bed was placed with a small draw and few toys that were well used and were not for playing age of two years old...he feels guilty that he makes million monthly and here his daughter doesn't have any toys and not any sizable was a gut-wrenching moment that Olivia had all the facility and luxury a child can want and here his daughter doesn't have a good dress to wear.

Theo had a thought ...he thinks today was Ava birthday too so he can at least buy her some new clothes and toys too...yes he can do just clothes nothing more

Ava might have seen her she turn and look him with her golden big eyes 'good mooning daddy'

Theo look away ...why she affect him so much when she said him daddy, he nodes ..' morning Ava'

Ava remove her red curly hair from her face and stare at him...he feels uncomfortable...'wheres your nanny' he said in a composed tone

Ava pout and said cutely 'don't know..she waiting for food' she rubs her tummy

Theo raised his eyebrows 'you are hungry?'

She nodes and again removes her red hair from her face

Theo then softly said 'it's almost 8:30 you should have eaten yet'

Ava replied innocently 'but I get food after dadda, grandma, aunt Lisa uncle tom and daddy had eaten then'

Theo suspiciously looks to her and see the innocence in her eyes .. realize she was saying the truth...he feels that pain he never want to was just like before when Sarah was ordered to eat when everyone has eaten...he felt an intense anger.

He tightly said 'come, Ava, we are going down'

Ava look scared but she nodes...she walks with her small legs and starts walking with Theo

Theo tries to control his anger and enter the dining was empty he shakes his head....Theo called messy ....messy run and said 'yes sir'

'where the hell are everyone and why the breakfast is not in the table' Theo literally shout

Messy looks down 'Sir I don't know and you know since Mrs Brickson has resigned sonothing is manageable...I will get your breakfast'

Theo shakes his head and tries to control his anger 'bring fast and also bring Ava breakfast here....and where is her nanny ...when you find her tell her I'm calling her'

Messy nodes and run to the kitchen.

Theo sighs and sit down and start pouring coffee.He then saw a small figure standing right beside his chair and looking at the fruit placed on the table,he looked at her and then told her 'come here'

She slowly took a step and Theo took a banana and peel it off and give it to her ...she took it from his hold and give him a cute smile that made his heart melt ...she start eating quickly made recall those days when he kept Sarah hungry for days and like Ava when she got the food she start eating fast...he can't's too much.

Theo took a sip of his coffee and looked at her with a different eye...he never wanted her and he always treated her very badly and strangely but today when she smiles at him it made him feel more guilty and sad .

When breakfast was brought Theo put some eggs on Ava plat and hold her to make her sit on the chair but when he holds he realized she was too light...he she is not getting the food well?

When they were eating he saw Ava nanny talking on the phone but she put down when she saw Theo

'where were you' Theo said in anger

..he lives out

Theo his cutlery 'when she

replied slowly 'around

''and what time is it

She trembles 'hmmm 8;45'

at her 'so it's alright for a child to be hungry for fuc..(he looks at Ava) 2

milk first then her breakfast..i asked her if she wanted to have breakfast now

think a child knows better about

here' Roma came with


said 'yes I had to cause of today party...but

Ava alone and

not her fault ...this girl has a tantrum of an old lady...she always had her breakfast when she go now (she look at the nanny) and also take her

is eating need to disturb can go' he said to the nanny who looked pissed she pass a look to Ava and

at Ava 'so today what

'mom will you let her eat and secondly since you are here I want

coffee jug and nodes ...Theo said 'Mom I got the phone from new york central jail and it was Sarah...she was saying she still hasn't seen Ava like for a year and today she wanted

is fucking lying' Theo looked at Ava who stops eating and

'mom please

was furious 'how should I ...every month your daughter meet that women ..if you don't believe me then call the central jail..or

was now confused then why Sarah said so...he looked at his mother eyes and feel ashamed to doubt her...he still cants believe himself that for a moment

hands 'mom I won't

then tuck theo sleeves and

her and yelled 'hey leave his

automatically leaves and makes a

'its ok go


pissed 'I don't want

'Why mom because I think a 2-year-old can't do much to ruin this special party

him 'You have no idea...whose blood is running inside her....she will be

you forget she is just a child...a child of your child' Theo finally said it with

laugh 'oh so this girl is finally won your heart,

today to meet Sarah...this way she will also stay away from your party and I will try to attend

'ok ok I know you think I'm

calmly 'thank



was impatiently looking at the officer's cabin that anyone will come and let her inform her daughter is here to meet her......she was keep on looking at the door and cleaning the gym area...she saw some of the inmates working out

was lost in her thoughts that she saw a bulky woman deliberately came and pushed Sarah...Sarah who was so lightweight suddenly lost her balance and falls down on her knee and she yelped in pain...she stands and saw that bulky women were laughing at her 'yo girl you were on my fucking

irritated and turns away and start working somewhere else but again she saw that bulky women pushed her by hand 'hi skinny

it 'whats your problem I'm doing my work here

women yelled at her 'how fucking dare

moves back and she felt someone was on

pushed aside Sarah and stand in front of her 'yup fenny

saw that fenny women eyes were now a little scared 'no ..this new

with who....go somewhere else I will

Sarah 'girl I told you to get smart

her mouth

it...but since you are in

looks doubtful 'im not sure...and secondly, today my daughter will

came surely you will be informed but if you want to survive here then follow

what to do ...Helen was right if Ava came she

walks towards Helen and said 'im ready please teach

gloves ...looked at Sarah and turn to other inmates....she passed one to Sarah and said 'let

the gloves and said 'I

let her complete 'I know but you will


was covered in sweats and she was

this ...give Sarah a hand 'we will this

that Helen ignore...the bell ring indicating gym time is over...sarah go to the washroom to take a quick shower and went to the jailer

evil look 'little mice no visitor for you go...and one more thing clean those bloody

visitor...He lied to her he fucking lied to

crying heavily...when she entered her room she saw Helen was reading something and she asked 'whats wrong..why are you

sit down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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