Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 62 Who allows you walk into this house!

"Where are you going? I can send you to the place."

"No, my home is not far from here." Jamie Moore shakes her head. She is not very familiar with him, so she will not take a ride. As Ian Moore says, Jamie Moore doesn't take everyone's ride.

"It's not safe for you to go back alone. Besides, am I like a bad person?" Hooson thinks that does he become ugly? Otherwise, how can a woman refuse him?

Jamie Moore stares at him for a few seconds, and finally she says, "If the bad guys show themselves at a glance, there is no need for police in the world."

So, handsome is not the key points. She has seen many handsome men. Her brother Dan is a domineering handsome man, and her brother is a charming handsome man, and she has a male friend who is a gentle handsome man. If she does not have a strong self-control, she really wants to ask him something.

Do you lack a boyfriend?

It’s the first time that Hooson questions his appearance. Does he look like a bad person?

At last, Jamie Moore pats the shoulder of Hooson, and then she says earnestly, "I think you are qualified, so, do you want me to introduce some handsome guys to you? I can introduce all kind of handsome guys to you."

"They're all good-looking guys."

Hooson looks very embarrasses, and then he says angrily, “I’m a straight man!”

What does she think he is? Gay?

Hooson never thinks that he will be treated as gay by others one day! Where does he look like a gay?

Jamie Moore looks at Hooson and then she nods, “I know.” then she leaves

good to explain to Jamie Moore, but it’s also not good to not explain to this to Jamie Moore. This feeling just like that he had admitted he is a gay. But who can prove that he


everything well. She can eat as soon as Ian Moore walks out. She feels very uncomfortable when she can’t eat the loving food cooked by Ian Moore.

he puts it on the table. His soft face is full of satisfaction. It seems that the unpleasant feeling that he was treated as a pillow by Wendy

"Honey, you are so kind." Jamie Moore kisses Ian Moore and leaves

Moore’s face turns dark, and he looks at Jamie Moore with disgust. "It’s saliva, baby has a habit of cleanliness."

Jamie Moore is chopped by a piece of eggplant which is put in her mouth just now. Ian Moore has no choice but to give a glass of

Dan William is fond of cleaning, she never expects that her son is also fond of

Ian Moore wrinkles his lovely little nose, and puts a chicken leg in the Jamie Moore’s bowl, "Mommy, you'd better


very good, but the atmosphere in the Moore Family is very bad. Celina Swift and Mia Moore sits on the soft with their hair in disorder, and their expensive clothes are all scratched by rats. Jack Moore is checking the things in Adele


in still. They are afraid that Jack Moore will smash the

is shivering. She is just frightened by the mouse, but now she still has to bear Jack Moore's anger. She is so scared that she wants to cry.

room of Adele Gilbert is in a mess, and the furniture is also scratched. Now he doesn’t know if something has missed in the room. Now the whole room is in a mess. How can he find any

is to revenge them. Thus she could not say anything. Jack Moore is so angry that he even

We'll go and get it right now." Mia Moore says

The resentment in her eyes is more than anything.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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