Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 63 Can we discuss something?

The next day, Jamie Moore goes to work as usual. Nana Banks feels better today, so she comes back to work today.

Jamie Moore walks in front of two people who are looking at each other. Jamie Moore takes the design manuscript in her hands and she looks at them curiously for a few moments. Now the eyesight of them is different. Is it the so called love caused by illness?

Jamie Moore denies this idea as soon as it appears in her mind. If love can be arose by this, Dan William, who is the same as the wood, will never cause any spark of love.

No, it should be said that there is no love arose between Dan William and her. But as for Mia Moore, there should be love between them.

Jamie Moore ignores Nana Banks and Adam Lee who are showing love to each other, and she walks out of the office. She never expects that she will meet Emily Lin, who has not make any trouble with her for several days. It seems that Emily Lin also does not expect to meet Jamie Moore. She is shocked for a while, and then she returns to normal quickly.

Emily Lin touches her newly-made hair, and her body is full of the smell of perfume. And she still makes a heavy mark-up. But no matter how she puts on makeup, people still can see the thick black circles under her eyes.

"It’s too terrible." It’s very strange, because Emily Lin doesn’t make a sarcastic remark to Jamie Moore. She just leaves a sentence--It’s terrible, and then she walks away.

Jamie Moore blinks and then she touches her nose. It seems that she even can ward off evil spirits.

In the office of the president, Jamie Moore walks in after knocking the door. The room is full of the smell of peppermint, which could wash the heavy perfume on Emily Lin’s body away immediately. Jamie Moore sniffs her nose and she smells carefully. Then she finds it’s the smell of Dan William’s body.

Dan William stands in front of the huge glass window, and Jamie Moore can only see his back. It seems that he is talking with someone. He speaks in English. His voice is full of magnetic. He speaks English very well. Jamie Moore can understand what he says. After all, she is not the little girl who will have a headache when hearing English.

And there will be on one who will say she is stupid on one hand, and translate it to her patiently on the other hand when she can understand the English she hears.

She puts the document down and she is

William turns around and continues to talk on the phone. Jamie Moore presses her lips and then she walks

the design manuscript in his hand. Then he sits on the sofa and looks at the design manuscript. He is just like

nomination meeting?" Dan William looks at these design manuscripts and

and requirements of the nomination meeting, it’s more difficult for this.

Dan William looks at the design manuscript with appreciation. He knows that she is very talent in


design manuscript of her, people will never forget it. Other

party later. You come with me!" Dan William

having lunch, thus Dan William takes Jamie Moore to the restaurant opposite the company.

Hearing that they have to have lunch on the 19th floor, Jamie Moore

course, Dan William knows what Jamie Moore is afraid of. But this time, he doesn't want her to be so afraid of heights. The most effective way is to attack

she doesn’t look well. But Dan William is determined to have lunch with her on the 19th floor at this time. Dan William will never give up even if she begs.

Let's go." Dan William says. Then he takes her hand and walks into the

quietly. The reason he asks other people to change the solid floor here is that he wants to have lunch with her today. But he has to force her to go there.

She knows that Dan William is strict with the ability and attitude of his staffs. This is the time to prove

me." The waiter, who has been waiting by the elevator, reaches forward and says respectfully.

he stills holds Jamie Moore’s hand in

looks down at the floor. At least the floor isn't made of glass. As long as

restaurant is not on the top floor of Star, but it is located in a special position. It stretches across from the indoor restaurant. Originally, the floor and wall are all glass. No matter from which angle, you can enjoy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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