Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 46 I don’t owe you anything 1

Jamie, Jamie. You’re really helpless. Jamie thinks.

“I don’t owe you anything.” Jamie pushes away Dan, and her face is all reddish.

Dan takes a few steps back and sits back to the chair. Looking at Jamie, he says, “Jamie, now you’re back. Then you better keep this in mind. You belonged to me five years ago, and you still are. And your name will appear next to mine eventually. If you still want to run away, then you can try. I will catch you back no matter how far you run.”

Dan speaks slowly, which shows how serious he is right now.

What Dan said has reminded Jamie of the night five years ago.

Dan keeps in good shape. Though he is sitting, Jamie can still his great figure underneath the clothes. It’s no hard to tell that Dan works out a lot. Looking at Dan, Jamie can’t think straight right now.

“Dan William. Is that mean you want to marry me?” Jamie blurts.

The whole room turns into silence, which made Jamie realized what she has said.

Oh My God!

What did she just say?!

“Is that mean you want to marry me?”

anyone beside me dare to marry you? I’m your only option.” But the person now is Dan... Jamie thinks.

feels like she can’t breathe anymore.

Dan keeps taping the desk rhythmically, which

to move a bit. If he tries to struggle

you?” Dan says with a sneer, and looks at

Jamie wants to look at somewhere else, but she fails to do so. The coldness in Dan’s eyes is like knife

want to marry you at all, and you are sad about

down slowly, and sits still on the chair without any energy.

“Is there any option for you beside marry me?” Dan smiles. It seems like Jamie doesn’t refuse the idea of marrying him.

with surprise, and she realizes that she is tricked by Dan.

“You are too confident about yourself.” Jamie says.

in her heart, Jamie feels desperate.

marry to Dan? Because of him, Ian nearly failed to come to the world.

Ian’s existence

didn’t look through the contract, right.” Dan plays his phone and lets

Contract? Jamie blanks for a second. Is he mean the one that signed when she works for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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