Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 47 I don’t owe you anything 2

Ian walks to the Cake shop when he sees Jamie goes inside the toilet.

The second Jamie has gone inside the toilet, her cell phone rings, which scares her a bit.

“Hello?” Jamie answers the phone.

“Go to the Cake Shop you were just passing by in 10 minutes.” Dan says in his commanding tone.

Jamie doesn’t care about what Dan said. She hangs up after she said goodbye to Dan.

Dan can’t believe that. This little woman hung up on him!

Dan has the familiar feeling again, the sense of frustration.

However, comparing with the submissive action, Dan prefers the way Jamie acts right now.

No pretending in front of him. And this is Jamie, the only Jamie.

the Cake Shop and orders. After he finishes the order, Ian sits across to Dan, who is playing his phone at the moment. Lifting up his cap, Ian stares at that nearly identical

Getting more and more exciting, this is the first time that Ian sees his father. If it’s possible, he really wants to know how is that feel by held in Daddy’s arms.

Dan notices someone is sitting across him, and he looks up unpleasantly. When he sees the

“ are?” staring at Ian’s face, Dan stutters.

well, he will believe that

was pregnant when

Dan is expecting that this is his son.

six years old.” Ian picks a piece of cake and eats,

the truth, what if Daddy

match. Jamie left five years ago.

give up. After all, this face is so identical with his. It’s basically the mini version of

So soft that his voice sounds a bit

heart, Dan keeps exciting and

makes up a random name. And Dan loses his hope.

about your father?” Dan keeps asking.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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