Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 124 Being allergic

"Yes, I feel itchy and uncomfortable just now." Jamie scratches her arm with her fingers. She doesn't know what happens. She just goes to the perfume R&D laboratory and it turns out to that when she comes back.

It seems that she can't use perfume with her physical nature.

But the three bottles of perfume that Ryan tries for her don't make her a little uncomfortable. Is she still allergic to the types of perfume?

Jamie has always known that she will feel disgusting when she smells perfume. But she doesn't know that she is still allergic to perfume!

"What's the matter?" Dan walks over to sit beside her, pulling her arm to look at the red dot on it. His eyes become serious slightly, "Cindy, call Jim to come here."

"You can't scratch it again. It will hurt more badly if you scratch your skin again." Dan frowns, preventing Jamie from scratching her arm, neck and face. His voice is a little serious.

The fair skin on her face and neck is scratched by herself accompanying with many red marks. It must rotten if she continues to scratch it.

Jamie looks at Dan with grievances. How can it be possible to bear itching? Won't she be extremely uncomfortable?

"Dan, I'm uncomfortable ..." Jamie vows that she will never touch those damn perfumes anymore. The idea doesn't come out while she has a lot of red dots.

The feeling of being itchy makes Jamie nearly cry because she can't scratch it.

Dan's eyes express distressed feelings. But in order not to let her hurt herself, he doesn't let go of his hands.

Jamie has no ways because her face is itchy and uncomfortable. So she lowers her face and rubs it on Dan's big hands to ease the discomfort.

She must smash the perfume if she sees it again in the future.

Except for the box Ryan gives!

rubbing of Jamie's face on his hand. The delicate and soft skin slips over his hands, which causes some emotions in his mind.

Jamie collapses in mind. Fortunately, Jim comes soon. After doing physical examination for Jamie, Jim says that she is just allergy to perfume. As long as the potion is applied

this little matter. It really scares him that he almost doesn't even wear his pants. He

terrible. I feel terrible." Jamie feels so itchy that she rolls on the bed. She also cares about her skin, but it is uncomfortable if she bears not to scratch.

the perfumes inside away." Dan is unhappy when he sees the perfume now. Seeing Jamie's

a bag and starts to clean up the perfume in the room. When she sees the box on the table, Cindy recognizes that this is a perfume with a logo of Moon.

for Dan's mother before, so

to throw this away?" Cindy knows that Moon's perfume is

the bed with the potion

"No!" When Jamie sees Cindy taking her bag while Dan is telling her to throw it away, she suddenly stops rolling and jumps

see her holding the bag in her arms and

you still want to experience

holds her box and her expression shows stubbornness. Even if her body is uncomfortable, she still looks at him

Well! Well!

Dan smiles while he is extremely angry, staring at Jamie with anger. "Do you believe that I can terminate the cooperation with few words? And it will be in vain even if your design is wonderful."

her eyes widening. She looks at him and says in a weak voice, "You won't do it..."

not much confidence in her words because

indifference. "If you still know me, you will know whether I will."

and looks at the box whose logo on it is still so dazzling in her arms.

they become

Jamie lowers her head and does not speak. Her right hand unconsciously grabs the back of her left hand because it is itchy. She wishes to clutch it hard and maybe

"What the hell do you want to do?" Jamie is a little weak. She doesn't want to give up the opportunity to design for the

her small movements. When he sees her step backwards, he doesn't feel relax, "Give it to

not allergic if I don't smell it. Really." Jamie guesses that Dan insists because she is allergic to perfume. So she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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