Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 123 Enchanting

"Jamie Moore, here you are." Ryan Jack waits at the front gate of the building. He waves to Jamie Moore as soon as he sees Jamie Moore, “Let's go, and I will take you to see our perfume first."

"OK, but I don't know that you even know perfume." Jamie Moore walks into the building with Ryan Jack as she says.

Ryan Jack is an interior designer when he is in the UK. He founded a company with his friends. He has a small reputation in the UK.

But Jamie Moore has made friend with him for a few years and she doesn't know that he is interested in perfume.

The complex color flashes in Ryan Jack’s eyes, and then disappears. He takes Jamie Moore into the lift, and then he continues to explain, "I only know a little bit. If you want any perfume, you could find me.”

"Thank you, but I don't love the smell of perfume, so I don’t need any perfume."

Ryan Jack knows that Jamie Moore really has no interest in the smell of perfume.

"It’s not right. I know there's a perfume that suits you." Ryan Jack remembers a perfume introduced by Moon. He smiles, and then he takes Jamie Moore to his office.

His office is just like himself, which is very warm. The light is very good. The sunshine shining from outside and it's golden.

There are also some green potted plants on that desk. Some of them are lovely succulent plants. At the top, there are some light pink plants. The leaves of the succulent plants are lovely.

Jamie Moore walks forward and then she touches the leaves with her hand. The fleshy ones look lovely. Some of them look like cat's claws, and there are some thin soft fluffs on them.

"Jamie Moore, come here." Ryan Jack says. He walks to the yellow sofa, and then he puts a box on the glass table in front of her. Then he calls Jamie Moore.

"What is this?" Jamie Moore sits down. She looks at the black elegant box. Her eyes are full of curiosity. There is English letters-CX on it. She thinks it’s should be perfume which will be in the market.

Ryan Jack opens the box and then he pushes the box toward Jamie Moore.

one is mint green,

pride voice, “Every bottle smells different. If you smell it alone, you will feel good,

Then Ryan Jack picks the bottle of mint green up as he says, and then he sprays some

could find the smell of jasmine. The two smells are well blended,

When you put some perfume on your body, you will feel could in the place that perfume touches, which is very comfortable.

at those bottles of perfume. From the package of the perfume, the design is unique and novel. From the perfume itself, the fragrance is very light. But if you smell

It's a perfect match for the

Enchanting, enchanting.

"How do you feel? Do you feel sick when you smell it?” Ryan Jack looks Jamie Moore nervously. If she still feels sick when she smells the fragrance of this perfume, it would be a failure.

perfume which is suitable for women in C countries, you will undoubtedly

smells good." Jamie Moore says

as if a child who gets candies, "I'll give you a suit after the perfume is

very expansive. Besides, you're such a loser. Does your father know it?” Jamie Moore shakes her head and refuses. Although the

"Never mind," Our boss says it's an extra thank gift." Ryan Jack

If she still refuses it, she will be an idiot.

Even though she doesn’t use it, she can send it to others.

"Well, thank you. I will draw the design draft out as soon as possible. You will be satisfied about it." Jamie Moore stands up. Time is up, she needs to leave now.

clothes for perfume. To be honest, Jamie

in a hurry way. He says when he sees Jamie Moore turns back, "I'll take you to

Jamie Moore nods with a smile, “OK.”

mind. She has never visited such a place before. This time, she must


is related to financial. Ian Moore eats fruit besides Dan William. He blinks and looks

come back yet. Daddy's face

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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