Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 113 Daddy, You are so Great

But in Ian Moore's eyes, it's a big failure. He always has a good body. He loves to eat anything. He seldom gets ill. But he is ill this time.

However, Ian Moore dares not to tell the truth to his mommy and daddy. If they know the true reason, they will never let him play computer.

Thus Ian Moore is very quiet in recently days. He seldom says something and he takes medicine to sleep, so as not to be asked by Jamie Moore and Dan William. Otherwise, he doesn’t know how to answer.

Two years later, Ian Moore gets well. Under the condition of Dr. Slater, Ian Moore has recovered well. He is as active as before and he doesn’t show any discomfort.

Jamie Moore is lying on the reclining chair on the roof, basking in the sun leisurely. These days, she is very nervous due to Ian Moore’s illness. Now she is free, thus she doesn’t want to move at all. Because of the worry toward Ian Moore, she doesn't even want to move a finger when she is free.

This is the life for a true lazy.

Jamie Moore narrows her eyes comfortably. Her delicate face is whiter under the sunshine. The leaf of the tree blocks the sun for her, thus she will not expose on the sun directly.

At this moment, the front door of the manor opens, and a red Ferrari and a Maserati drives into the manor, and the car stops in the parking lot, and then two people get off the car.

Bruce Hill and Duke Field grow up together with Dan William.

"Why did the two young masters come here? Are people in your family willing to let you leave home?" Dan William is playing golf and then he receives the call from Bruce Hill, and then he sees they come into the room.

"Of course, it's the beautiful woman." Bruce Hill is the most uninhibited man of the three, and he likes beauty. He will never refuse all the beautiful girls with good figure.

Bruce Hill Pure has made friends with pure, sexy, shy and proud woman.

In contrast, Duke Field is a single-minded man. He could love a woman for five years, but he will not show his love easily.

Bruce Hill’s words, Duke Filed is an internally

Dan William puts his hands in his pocket as he says. He leans against the wall, and he moves Bruce Hill’s hand away, and then he walks into the villa.

things against me. They whisper in my ear everyone day. I hope someone could stop them." Bruce Hill complains as soon as he sits down.

Filed picks up a cup of tea and he shows no thinking to Bruce Hill’s words. “Stupid."

his lips, and he doesn’t care it, “Dan has the best achievement of us. If he is here, I will never fail in the exam even though I don't review."

don’t want to copy it, thus you hand a white paper. Do you still remember it?" Dan William says slightly.

being beaten. If you don’t beat me, I will feel uncomfortable.” Bruce Hill picks the cup up

“...” Dan William.

“...” Duke Filed

with Duke Filed?" Bruce Hill says deliberately. But Dan William has no expression, and it seems that he has no

Hill signs. It's really boring.

“Duke sees a child, and that child looks like you! Do you feel strange about this? You don’t have a son, why

him. But before he does something, the soft voice of Ian

It's like a thunder. It's pounding on Bruce


is the child?

and Duke Filed turns around, and then they see Ian Moore runs toward Dan William

A gasping patrol captain runs behind

Ian Moore acts coquettishly to Dan William, and he complains the behavior of the patrol captain to Dan William.

rely on daddy's big tree to enjoy the cool. Ian Moore thinks in

patrol who chases in looks ugly. How dare he to sell the young master? It's clear that the

then he pats on his back and says, “Don’t

After finishing his words, he looks at the patrol captain and makes the patrol captain feel frightened, but the patrol captain still stands

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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