Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 114 Ian Moore’s Mommy

But Dan just pinches Ian Moore's face gently, with gentle and soft voice, "Honey, do you know what this thing is made of?"

How could it be known? Bruce rolled his eyes at Dan. Bro, it's too difficult for kids to ask.

Ian Moore looks at the stone and says, "Of course, obsidian, right? This kind of stone is very hard, and must have taken a lot of hard work and time to make a badge. "

Finally, Ian Moore knows what Dan means. This stone is hard-won. He wants to return to the strange guy.

Bruce looks at Ian Moore in surprise and thinks for a while. How could this little kid know so much?

Ian Moore puts it in his hands and plays for a few times. Although he is reluctant to return to him, Jamie tells him that he cannot take anything that is not his own, even if he liked it. So Ian Moore has no complaints.

"Sir, here you are." Ian Moore goes to the patrol leader and hands the badge to him.

The captain of the patrol takes a look at Dan and finds that he is not unhappy at all. Instead, he is very satisfied with Ian Moore’s action. So he takes it down. "Thank you, young master."

"You're welcome. Ian Moore will drive the cool car and go for a stroll with the beauty like you in the future." Ian Moore’s lovely face suddenly burst into a smile, and directly points out the matter of the patrol captain carrying the beautiful maid in the manor to patrol.

Recently, there is too little fun, so Ian Moore can only make some fun by himself.

As soon as the captain's face changes, he gives a look to the man sitting on the sofa with a cold expression, with a bad premonition in his heart.

"Ha ha, Dan, this is your child indeed. It's the same insidious... smart as you." Bruce originally wants to say insidious, but when he receives Dan's angry eyes, he immediately changes his words.

The more Bruce sees Ian Moore, the more he loves the children. Although he has a big family with many family members, he has never seen such a child as clever and lovely as Ian Moore, who is totally the same as young Dan.

With a totally lovely but harmless face, but what Ian Moore says can often grasp the point, can successfully let that person be punished!

and Dan mentioned to his parents that Bruce made troubles in school and finally be punished.

excited. He immediately wants to clasp Ian

want to sell Ian Moore?" Ian Moore looks at Bruce with his big eyes, who is staring at him, puzzled.

Bruce's face is surprised. Uncle? Does

good friend. You can call me handsome brother." Bruce says

and then said, "Are

Bruce is stunned. Unexpectedly, Ian Moore will ask in such a way. Bruce shakes his head, because Dan is still cleverer.

"Are you richer than my Daddy?"

with Ian Moore. Your Daddy is in charge of most of the country,

"That's it, you are neither more handsome nor richer than my father, then you still let me call you handsome brother, do you want to take my advantage?" Ian Moore's point of view

Listen to call him repeatedly, Dan is

Duke, "They are even the same in the

Duke smiles and says, "Let your mouth be closed. Even children despise

"Who is the mother of the child?" Duke looks at Dan.

looks at

then says, "you will

at Ian Moore, "Ian Moore, tell me, who is your mommy?"

worries that he would be despised by Ian Moore again, if let him call

Ian Moore learns how to Dan said, "You will


amused by his serious appearance. Unexpectedly, they makes so mysterious. They

Soon it is twelve o'clock, lunch

ready for dinner. Ian Moore sits on the left side of Dan. Bruce sits opposite Duke, but Dan's right

Bruce and Duke vaguely guess who is given

stairs. When Dan looks at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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