Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 116 Jozo’s Attack

It's crueler than spanking her ass!

After an hour, Jamie almost can't stand up straight. Her waist and legs are aching because she is so exhausted. Jamie wants to cry without tears. She doesn't want to be a mermaid, walking on the tip of a knife!

Jamie doesn't find out that Bruce and Duke already think they have done something.

If she knows, she will stand up and beat them in spite of her backache.

Jamie leans on the sofa, even moving a finger making her feel to death, eyes are closed, a pair of tired miserable appearance.

Ian Moore moves to Jamie's face and wrinkles his face. Daddy really abuses Mommy!

"Mommy, I rub it for you." Ian Moore takes a sniff and decides not to talk with Dan William for a week.

Jamie says yes slightly, and then Ian Moore kneads her legs, with moderate strength and comfortable pinching.

Dan William changes his clothes and walks downstairs slowly, with his hands in his pockets, looking very relaxed.

When seeing Dan William going downstairs, Bruce and Duke leave without saying a word. They are as smart as they choose not to mix in their business.

Ian Moore rubs her very comfortably. Jamie leans her head against the sofa and sleeps on her arm.

It can see how tired she is.

"Baby, that's how your Mommy used to be care of you?" Dan William sees Ian Moore rubbing legs for Jamie, and glances at her who is still sleeping comfortably.

Ian Moore is angry when he sees Dan. Naturally, he won't talk to him well. "I’d like."

Dan William feels Ian Moore's displeasure. He knows that it's because of Jamie, this kid loves his mother very much. Dan William thinks he's a little jealous because he takes Jamie so seriously.

So, the main reason for Ian Moore to accept him completely depends on Jamie.

Dan’s eyes brightened, and he comes up to Ian Moore and said, "Baby is tired, let daddy do this."

at him suspiciously, "You won't take the opportunity to bully Mommy again, will you?"

William looks at him sincerely and thinks that Ian Moore

Ian Moore just moves away a little.

slightly, starting to rub legs for Jamie.

Before that, he never rubs legs for anyone, and his strength is also controlled by his own feeling. However,

will make Ian Moore unhappy, he wouldn’t do

be lazy. Keep rubbing." Ian Moore stares at Dan William and worries that he will

Dan William is

she doesn’t see the beautiful screen of

he slows down or makes a little effort, he will be disliked by Dan.

her hand and has no expression on her

she and Night.7 is not the same type.

she has a mature behavior looks like she has been experienced by years. She likes

charming, but careless and informal. The bright eyes are cold and can

It just doesn’t know whether such two different girls will become friends if they meet.

and knocks the door slightly. When listening a "come in" inside, she then

Alma to take care of Jozo, she is

What's more, this is a woman with different

get the information I want?" Jozo sits in a wheelchair, with her back to Alma, and looks out of the window, but only one cold villa can

"Yes." Alma doesn't make any sound, and then hands the stack of paper to her.

Jozo has been frightened by Alma for more than once, but she still hasn't been able to change Alma for so

Jozo knows Alma still regard Dan William as her master.

the contents carefully. Every time she looks at it, her


thrown into the air, falling

Jozo's beautiful face gradually becomes twisted, and she stares at the pile of materials

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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