Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 115 Mommy was beaten by daddy?

Maybe before that, he would deny this ridiculous idea, because he is not sure whether Jamie loves him or not, and his pride and self-esteem do not allow him to marry a woman who does not love himself.

But now, Dan William looks at Ian Moore’s face, whose mouth filled with food. Then he looks at Jamie, who is eating and doesn't care about her image at all. He frowns. This woman, who has been leaving with her baby for so many years, it is time to pay off.

How could he not marry her?

Though so many thoughts flash in his heart, Dan William remains silent on his face, "there is no such idea yet."

After hearing this, Jamie feels disappointed, but still pretends not to care about it and continues to eat.

Bruce’s eyes looks at Dan William as if he is looking at a monster. Ian Moore is so big. Will it affect your children if you and Jamie Moore don't marry again? "

Duke also looks puzzled. They could see Dan's feelings for Jamie. But now what is Dan William thinking?

It has to be said that Dan’s mind is really hard to guess.

"What do you think will be the impact in country C?" Dan William says that and he is quite confident. He peels the shrimp shells for Jamie and Ian Moore. The sauce covers his hands, but he doesn’t frown.

Bruce is watering and looks at the fat shrimp in front of him. He is eager to ask Dan William when he learns to peel the shrimp!

God, not mention to peel shrimps before, even orange is too lazy to peel by him.

The man is still the man. Is this the kind of man who changes greatly when he has children?

But Dan William does not do anything wrong. In country C, who dares to oppose him?

"But don't you worry about others falling love with Jamie?" Duke says directly. Jamie looks like a girl in her early twenties. No matter where she goes, she is very attractive.

It's unbelievable that Dan William doesn't worry.

Jamie lightly and quickly, reminding of Ryan Jack and

worrying, he has

"There are many handsome men loves Mommy, but I will get rid of them with Mommy!" Ian Moore is afraid that Bruce's words and those of Duke would

serious. Little fat hand holds a spoon and makes us


Ian Moore’s face. "How are you going to take your mommy to

unhappy. He does not have rivals, but his son starts to grab

Dan William

at Bruce, uses a fork to pick up the fat prawns in his plate and peels the shells, swallows them at once, "I can't tell

look of "my baby is really smart", and then eats more

mammy with me?" Dan William can't bear it. If he doesn't care about Ian Moore, he will knock on his forehead.

"Mommy! This uncle is rude to me!" Ian Moore drops his knife and fork, jumps

Uncle? Bruce couldn't bear to laugh at Dan's expression. He is called uncle by his son. Dan's heart

be menopause now." Jamie seems to be comforting Bunny, but obviously she is

Bruce and Duke look at each other and move to the corner with their plates in tacit agreement, trying

be beaten?"

"What? Do you dare to provoke me? I'll sue you

smiles, deadly enchanting, "domestic violence? I'll show

he pulls her by the wrist to drag her upstairs.

the back of Dan William pulling Jamie away and covers her mouth and chuckles.

want to follow up and see what your father and mother are doing?" Bruce goes

You can just say

just despise you.’

shamelessness is good for this. "Uncle just worries that your daddy would hit your mommy? Ian Moore,

Ian Moore tilts his head and thinks while listening. Bruce makes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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