Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 163 Heartache


Bruce Hill's phone suddenly hits on the ground. He turns around quickly and looks at Dan William??s back with a bitter face. He almost jumps up.

"You are enough! You don't thank me but retaliate me?! Unfair! "

Bruce Hill's roar can be heard within a ten-mile radius.

Duke Field comes and asks, ??What??s the matter? Have you offended brother again???

When it comes to this, Bruce Hill is full of grievance, "Don't mention it, brother must be revenge me for I don't save little Jamie at the first time. Don't say anything."

Dan William says that he can go to play for a few days, but he knows very well that he will not let him come back.

He won't be like him for a few days. Who will recognize him when he comes back?!

"Let it be. ??Duke Field doesn't know how to comfort people, so she can only say that.

"Brother has no conscience. Have a wife, don't need a brother. I have no credit but hardship!?? Bruce Hill beats his chest and kicks his feet. Without him, can Dan William save the beauty!!

It's a pity that Dan William has gone far away with Jamie Moore in his arms, and can't hear his roar.

Dan William takes Jamie Moore to the room he temporarily orders by Derek William. He originally plans to go back to the manor, but considering Jamie Moore, they can only stay here.

He puts Jamie Moore on the soft bed, taking the air conditioner remote control to lower the temperature, and asks someone to bring an ice towel to wipe her face.

little face is hot, the skin exposes outside the dress is light pink, and her red lips are breathing slightly, which

Dan William just wants to get up and puts the bath water for her, but she grabs his

as if to identify him.

Dan William, who has no resistance for her, feels that when he looks at her eyes, his belly is hot, his black eyes becomes dark and deep, and the fire

"Jamie, let go." His voice is low and dumb, he wants to stand up and leave immediately, but he is afraid of hurting her. His body presses

look at his face and

so directly. He is pleasantly surprised that she finally opens her mind and he doesn't intend to deny it. She is about to open her mouth, but is interrupted by Jamie Moore.

"But why do you do that to

Jamie Moore??s words are like needles stuck in Dan William??s body. He pinches his lips and reaches for her hair.

deep, mixing with helplessness.

that she can't see it or doesn't want to see it.

??It's only when she is drunk that she dares to yell at him and question him.

Jamie Moore is cunning and calm. How can she will coquettish to Dan William?

Dan William only feels that the things in his chest are going to melt into a pool of water.

But what does she just


How is this possible?

does he say that? Why doesn't he know?

Dan William raises his eyes to look at Jamie Moore and sees that the delicate and elegant little face has tears on it.

sluggish, and his heart feels as if it has been torn but with a burst of joy. Looking at the small face full of tear stains, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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