Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 162 Brother Dan

But she isn??t in Pennies House and also isn??t under Dan??s sight, and he goes to business today. There is some distance from the venue of the conference. Who is gonna save her?

Jamie is unwilling and lifts her foot to kick him again.

However, Manager Sun is smarter this time.

He takes Jamie??s raised calf and touches it, with a grinning and evil look, "Bitch, I will conquer you later!"

He drags Jamie while saying. But she is reluctant and uses her fingers to fasten the wall to resist with a weak face.

Bruce was originally in the hot spring. His female companion suddenly said that she wanted to go to the restroom. He immediately knew it, so he held her and walked towards the restroom.

But as soon as he gets to the door of the restroom, he notices a familiar figure.

"Jamie??? Bruce is a little surprised to see her, and he realizes that Manager Sun has just forcibly taken her away. He feels anxious at once and wants to go over to stop it.

Something is wrong!

He suddenly reminds of something, stopping and reaching for his female companion, "Give me the phone."

A mobile phone is put on his hand. He hooks his lips, considering that it is gonna be interesting later. Then he calls Dan.

After five seconds, the phone is connected, with Dan??s slightly lazy and casual voice, "Hello?"

Bruce grins, and then his face changes and his tone also becomes anxious. "Bro, it's really terrible! Jamie is being bullied by a man who will take her away if you don??t come here right now!"

Before he finishes speaking, he hears a loud noise of water over there, accompanied by Dan??s slightly anxious voice, "Give me the site!"

the hot spring! Come on... ??Before the words are finished, the phone has

He looks at Manager Sun who is trying to take Jamie away, but she refuses to obey. Bruce is thinking about why Dan hasn??t come while he turns around


It's really fast. Just in two minutes.

him without a sight and walks

or not, I will rape you right now!?? No matter how Manager Sun grabs and drags, Jamie is slamming the wall. Fortunately, the wall is not very slippery, otherwise it will

She would rather die than being taken away!

powerful hand grabs her hand

mint aroma, which inexplicably makes him feel at ease.

full of coldness. A bit of anger is emerging from

at this time, and he also pulls the beauty he fancies into his arms. More seriously, the two seems to know

sober, and he is shivering. He does not dare to look at Dan, "Manager Dan, this woman wants to seduce


Jamie who seems to be drunk as

she seduces someone, the man must be him! What the hell is this

he dares to touch

of Dan, and she is dissatisfied when she hears the words of Manager Sun. The drunken lady is doing something that she

only one centimeter away from his face. She is flirting arrogantly, "Brother Dan, he said he would take me to rape me, and he

ears, and the little hand clinging to his neck seems


this moment, Dan realizes that everything is all

hears Jamie??s words, he is totally tense. Did this woman call him Brother Dan? Is she his

finds that there is a rare spoiling and softness in Dan??s eyes mixed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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