Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 338: A Bolt from the Blue

Since he has reached his goal, Dan takes out his phone, types a line on it and sends it to Hebe's partner on stage.

After seeing the message, Hebe's partner immediately tells Hebe, and Hebe looks in Dan’s direction, then she retracts her eyes, clears her throat, and says something that would shock everyone.

"Mr. Dan just decided that the remaining series will not be auctioned, and they will be placed in the specialty store for sale as limited editions. However, if you want to buy it, it must be approved by Mr. Dan or Miss Jamie."


This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for those who are ready to pay for it.

They won't auction the clothes?

They probably won't be able to buy these clothes after the auction!

Jamie and Dan leave quietly when everyone is agitated, regardless of their roar and dissatisfaction.

"Are you doing this for advertising?" Jamie turns her head to look at Dan, who is calm, and asks cheerfully.

"Yes." Dan nods slightly and then drives away.

"Oh." says Jamie and sighs. When she was about to count the money, she sees his instructions to Hebe, which almost freaks her out.

But his action would make her clothes more valuable.

In Country C, there is no shortage of rich men who have no place to spend their money. More importantly, it is a symbol of wealth. Those women who always like to keep up with the Joneses will spare no effort to bid for the dresses.

Although she doesn't like her work to be materialized, she can't help it. She's a little miser. She can agree anything when she has money.

met Night.1 and others, watching the message

It's about Hooson.

he can’t get identity background and basic information. He has to be

Jamie and Dan are away at work today, he asks Night. 7 to help him get out of school and come over to the old house to check

has happened for the time being." Night.7 holds a laptop in her arms,

the screen, Hooson is lying on the couch, wearing sunglasses on his face and basking in

seems to be

the screen for a

to another

with bandages, and her movements are

Fortunately, it is timely

broken. Night. 7, do women love beauty so much?" Bunny looks at Night.7, and asks curiously. He thinks there is something strange about

as beautiful as me and your mommy, otherwise

bunny quiet agrees with Night.7's words and nods

it, I always feel something strange." Bunny stares at the screen, thinking with eyes wide open in

little master,

fooled him. Now Bunny even sends him to the Saipan Island to keep an eye on Hooson and


face tightens up in an instant and doesn't

doesn’t question Night.1's ability, he couldn't put up with it that Night.1 didn’t save his mother. No

five of us are born to protect the masters of Myth ring, especially Night.1, who has led us to

loyal to the Gilbert family and does his duty to the little

and looks at Night.7 with big bright eyes. "I know, that's why I sent him

So, will bunny give Night. 1 a chance to make up for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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