Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 339: It’s Fine for Kids to Sleep in

Although it isn’t clear what Jamie wants to do, Bunny quickly washes up and changes out of his pajamas before going down with Jamie.

True enough, when they go down to the living room, they see Mr. and Madam Moore who are impatient from the waiting. She quickly greets them politely.

“Uncle, Auntie, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting. Bunny slept in and just woke up.”

Bunny turns and looks at his mom, he snorts and thinks, that cunning mother, to think that she uses him as a shield.

Once Mr. and Madam Moore see Bunny, all their frustrations vanish. They quickly wave their hands while saying, “No no, no worries, it’s good for kids to sleep in.”

“Bunny, come to granny.” Madam Moore looks so happy. She waves at bunny lovingly in anticipation.

Even the usual stern and serious Mr. Moore turns gentle and smiles while looking at Bunny.

“Go and greet Grandpa and Grandma.” Jamie gently pats Bunny’s shoulder and says softly.

She knows that Bunny has become distant to his grandma because of her but they are still his grandparents. She should not allow their relationships to be adversely affected.

Bunny listens to Jamie and his apprehension disappears. He walks to his grandparents and says adorably, “Grandpa, grandma, how are you today?”

Mr. and Madam Moore’s hearts warm up with his greeting and are so happy that they smile from ear to ear.

“We’re fine, Bunny’s such a good boy. This is a gift from grandpa.” Mr. Moore takes out an intricate present which was personally chosen by him at the store.

“Grandma also has a gift for Bunny.” Madam Moore looks by her side and finds the package and gives it to Bunny.

Bunny looks at the two gifts and appears troubled. He turns to look at Jamie for her opinion.

Jamie smiles and nods.

then readily accepts grandpa

it has been a while since they interacted. So, it was

and sit down.” Mr. Moore points towards

and laughs and proceeds to

didn’t I say that

very handsome man!” Bunny says proudly and smiles with his eyes close and in his

could not resist and laugh out loud. They pat Bunny’s head and praise

daddy and

while thinking of lovingly spanking her

mom. If you look like mommy, you’ll become a very handsome

must look like Dan to be a handsome man.” Madam Moore says immediately objecting to

says pleasantly, “But Bunny’s facial shape resembles me, so he still resembles

that Bunny looks the most like

“Looks like me!”

“Like Dan!”

“Like me!”

“Like Dan!”

of them didn’t want to lose out and place Bunny

Moore couldn’t resist any further and didn’t think it is appropriate to do this in the presence of the servants. He says, “Stop this bickering. Without Jamie, we wouldn’t be able to have

mind. She knows fully well how painful it is for a woman to bear a child. And

hears Mr. Moore’s words, Jamie and Madam Moore

all the misunderstandings and

a touch of regret and says apologetically, “I was once unhappy with you because you hurt Dan. I did a lot of things that I shouldn’t have and I misunderstood you. I almost pushed Dan to other women and as a result, hurt you. Jamie, I wish that you can

can fully appreciate Madam Moore’s feelings. Even if there were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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