Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 363: Jamie is Allergic to Perfume

Jamie’s complexion is fair and tender. In addition to being allergic to perfume, whenever she smells a concentrated smell of perfume, she will have an allergic response. For example the other time at Moon’s perfume R&D facility. She was barely inside for fifteen minutes and she broke out in rashes.

The perfume on Lisa’s body wasn’t that concentrated and is diffused by the wind. But it started to cause Jamie’s hands to break out in red spots.

Lisa started to smile: Jamie is allergic to perfume.

No wonder in the two times that they met, she didn’t detect any perfume on her.

Very quickly she has a thought. Lisa didn’t back off but suddenly rushes forward to hug Jamie. Jamie is pinching her nose and couldn’t react in time. She releases her hand and the perfume fumes rush into her nose.

The smell is so intense that she almost faints.

The assistant by her side is shocked to see what just happened. Wasn’t she despising Jamie a moment ago? Why is Lisa hugging her now?

“Cousin, I’m here all alone and don’t know anyone else. I’m so happy to see you!” Lisa hugs Jamie tightly and says as CR’s staff walk by.

Jamie didn’t expect Lisa to be so shameless to hug her! The smell on her body is killing her!

“Get off me!” Jamie shouts angrily, she can detect the thick fumes of the perfume and pinches her nose again. She frowns deeply.

The red spots are forming on her exposed skin.


A familiar

hug Jamie. He grabs Lisa’s hand and


cracking filled the

pain and releases Jamie. She

and appears a gentleman but his moves are deadly and

not let go of her hand, but he also continues to bend her fingers backward with increasing force. Lisa’s fingers appear like they’ll break off

interfere. Lisa looks at him seeking

President. If anything happens to her, the person who will be punished will be a

today to discuss how we will collaborate. What you are doing will harm the two

calmly, “From today onwards, CR and Moon will cease all forms of cooperation,

assistant was stunned. He didn’t expect things to turn out this way. They had

changes and he releases Lisa’s hand. Then he takes

goes completely pale. Her hand was practically broken and throbs painfully. The pain shoots directly to the

that Dan’s fury will turn onto him. He holds tightly to Lisa and leads her out of CR

on her hands, neck, and

scratch.” Dan grabs both of her hands and they walk towards the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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