Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 364: Take off the Clothes

"Do you want to die?" Dan scolds coldly and gives her a hard flick on her forehead.

Jamie cries in pain, pouts, and looks anxiously at the red marks on her hands.

"Brother, what is going on?" Bruce asks incredulously as he moves over to see the red spots and blood on Jamie's hands and face.

"If you are here to ask why I cancel the contract with Moon, this is the answer." As Dan sits down with his legs bent and rolls up Jamie's sleeve, he sees that her fair skin is covered with red spots, so is her other arm.

Bruce nods and asks no more questions, because compared with Jamie, no matter how insignificant the matter is, it would become trivial.

He leaves the lounge and closes the door for them.

"Dan, I feel bad." Jamie frowns, looking at the red dots on it. The skin where there were no problems suddenly feels itchy.

"Go and wash it, and then apply ointment." Dan looks at the red dots on her arm and face for a moment, then picks her up and walks to the bathroom.

The place where he has spent most of the time in for the past five years is the company.

Because only by devoting himself to his work can he temporarily forget her and not think about her.

The lounge here is connected to his office. Sometimes, when he works late, he will not go back to the manor, but to rest here. Therefore, there is not only a bathroom in his lounge, but also a small kitchen.

He has never used the kitchen. If he is hungry, he usually asks his secretary to buy takeout.

The bathroom is clean and tidy with bright lights.

Dan puts her in the bathtub, takes the shower above, presses the switch and adjusts the temperature and then says to her, "Take off your clothes."

When she hears his words, she looks up at

did you

again under her puzzled eyes,

the clothes?!

mind not saying these words in such a pure, noble and decent way?

grabs her collar tightly, looking at Dan’s eyes a

What? Insane?

looking at her with a soft smile in his eyes, "Where haven't I kissed you?


is totally defeated by his

otherwise how to wash it?" Dan says to her, puts down the shower in his hand, and then stretches out his hand to

I... I'll do it myself..." Jamie immediately grabs her clothes more tightly, and her little face is flushed. How could he not feel embarrassed? Can he

dots on her face for a few seconds. Finally, he gives in. "I'll wait for

puts the shower on the place where she can get. And then he goes out of

did he become so kind?

sees him go out and close the door. Even though she has already been seen by him, she still feels shameless. If she is stared at by him so bluntly, she is afraid that

running the hot water and putting off her clothes on a nearby hanger, Jamie steps into the tub. Looking at the red spots on her body, she manages to look away. The water

water seems to comfort the discomfort

feels that it is just a psychological effect, because

to put it on, because wearing a bathrobe will make it easier to wipe

is sitting by the bed staring at the screen of the mobile phone. When she comes out, he pats the position in front

hair got wet. She puts her hand behind her neck

over to sit down

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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