Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 343: I don’t Accept Your Apology

But Wendy no longer gets excited with her heart racing for him, it is never the same, simply because she does not like him anymore.

“I don’t accept your apologies.” Wendy softly says as she looks calmly at Duke. She is not as enthusiastic as before.

“Since you are wrong, then continue to be wrong.”

Duke feels chills running down his spine and trembles. He holds on to her shoulder with an expression of hurt.

He brings Wendy into his embrace and holds onto her tightly.

“Do you know that I have never thought that I can regret so much today.” Duke closes his eyes and says with a voice full of regret and pain.

He realizes that he has wasted so many years.

Jamie worries that Duke will do something to Wendy and quickly gets out of the car. She then sees Eddie coming out of another car.

Jamie turns and looks at Duke and Wendy. She instantly bites down on her lips and realizes that things are going to get out of hand.

Eddie’s hand was still on the car door and sees the two of them embracing. He didn’t go over and he didn’t make a sound. He just looks on quietly.

“Ahem ahem ahem.” Jamie could not resist and clears her throat to signal to Wendy while trying desperately to get her attention.

When she was pulled into Duke’s embrace, Wendy thought that she was imagining. But when she hears Jamie’s calls, she comes to her senses and pushes Duke away.

She looks at Duke and says to him sternly, “If you really feel guilty and regret, then please forget about this and never appear in my life ever again.”

She tries to walk away after she finishes but Duke holds her onto her, not allowing her to move an inch.

you are doing?” Wendy is angry. She already stated very clearly, what

other hand. He stares at Duke

Wendy remarks softly. Did he see that

his grip, stubborn as he has been and

you clear by now that Wendy does not accept you? If you really regret it, then continue to regret it. My Wendy doesn’t need your guilt.” Eddie says with a

while, he puts them down but continues to

puts his hands into his trousers, “Your

that Wendy is my fiancée?” Eddie says in return with a

leans on to Eddie and like a vulnerable little girl. Jamie looks on from

and Wendy cannot be considered as your

accept the reality. Even though she and Eddie haven’t gone through the engagement ceremony, the issue is as good as done. Even if she is not with Eddie, she will

are not, you will not have a single chance, Duke.” Eddie is calm and says to Duke, “A sinner will not be able to return to the past even when

cruel. Jamie could see from his expression of loneliness. Not only did Duke mistake the identity of a person, so did Wendy.

past even

Wendy’s mistake and they returned to the past. This is because you love her. You can deceive Duke but you can’t deceive yourself.

She starts the car without hesitation and drives away from that place. Wendy has her protector and it is pointless for

winter nights start particularly early and gets dark quickly.

for dinner. She hums a tune and taps her fingers on

and then fixates in a direction.

wants to greet him and stops herself when she sees the person beside

does Ryan know Jozo?

is happening. The lights turn green and the cars behind her start to blare their horns. She has no choice but to

looks sullen at the road and is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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