Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 344: Shameless Boy

"Give me a break. You are older than to sleep with mommy. You shameless boy." Jamie Moore doesn't look away from the cartoon and waves at him.

Ian Moore's cute expression immediately disappears. He looks at Jamie Moore's ice cream and says, "Mommy!I'll tell Daddy you're eating ice cream!"

"How dare you!” she immediately hides the ice cream with a pillow and stares at Ian Moore.

This little boy is increasingly naughty. He threats his mother!

Ian Moore raises his chin, and he seemingly says I am not afraid of it. Then he goes to Jamie Moore and asks her, "Mommy, it's more than nine o'clock now. Usually, daddy should have come back at this time. Does he run away with a beautiful aunt?"

"Maybe, Mommy will call and ask." Jamie Moore looks at the time, sure enough, it's so late, but Dan William hasn't come back, and she still has ice cream in the evening?!

Ian Moore is speechless when she looks for her mobile phone in a hurry. In this bright room, whether it's day or night, it's no wonder that mommy forgets the day or the night.

Thinking with disgust, Ian Moore picks up Jamie Moore's the ice cream, takes a spoon and dugs a big bock into his mouth.

Jamie Moore gives Dan William a phone call. As usual, he answers it after about five seconds. There comes Dan William's always cold voice, "I'm in the hospital. What's the matter?"

"Hospital? Are you hurt? " As soon as she hears that he is in the hospital, Jamie Moore's heart breaks and she quickly asks. But Dan William's voice doesn't look like he was injured or ill.

The next day, Jamie Moore sleeps less than five hours.

The rest of the time is spent in rolling on the bed, so when she gets up to wash this morning, she doesn't see two obvious dark circles under her eyes in the mirror.

"Mommy, do you go as a thief last night?" Ian Moore has just packs his schoolbag and is going to school. When he sees Jamie Moore coming down from upstairs, he immediately turns around and faces her. His two little paws subconsciously cover the edge of his schoolbag.

to teach him, the indoor drag rubbing the ground comes,

the hall, but she doesn't see Dan William. She frowns, "your father hasn't come back

would be back later today." Ian Moore steps back a

Ian Moore. Listening to him, she just nods, reaches out and rubs his neck.

when you go to school?" Jamie Moore

head. He is forced to calm down on his small face. His face is not red and his heart does not jump. He says to Jamie Moore, "because the teacher is going to make us do scissor works today …” Jamie Moore, who is in a bad mood, doesn't go to investigate

sets the breakfast in front of her, and then steps

her mobile phone to brush wechat.

sends Miss

Moore's eyes stops, and curiosity prompts her to reach in and see what

parents of the Li family appear together in the hospital. Is there any crisis for the young lady of

are talking

up a

Jozo, but it is like she

hospital only because she had a car accident last night. It is

still depresses all night and doesn't sleep well. It seems that she

her mobile phone, she goes

that she should be busy alone, so she also comes to

Hospital, VIP

Moore doesn't meet Dan William or his father and mother here. Only Jozo is here, she

the company, and his uncle and aunt have just returned." When Jozo

for you." Jamie Moore looks at her, and then put her bottle in her hand on the table beside the bed, "I heard that you lost too much blood last night, so I make you a soup for tonifying blood. Drink it while it is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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