Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 402: Smart Boy

Jack's complexion gradually became savage and distorted, as if he’s under great anger, but there’s nowhere to vent.

"Did I say that I didn't know?" Jamie blinks innocently. Watching Jack collapsing, she feels happy. But this’s just the beginning. Jack will pay the price for what he has done on Jamie’s mom.

"Bitch!" Jack grits his teeth and glares at Jamie. Jack has not countermeasure. He left with more than half of his force but forgot to leave a leeway for himself.

Dan smiles, faint mockery appears in his black eyes.

Jack's defeat was because he’s too arrogant. If he joins hands with Ryan, he might have some chances to win. Ryan is more thoughtful and proficient in tricks than Jack.

Ryan used Jamie to get the Myth ring for Jack. He plays three roles without being noticed. It has proved his endurance and perseverance.

In fact, Jack's biggest trump card should be Ryan, not the Myth ring.

His fault was that he dumped Ryan after using him.

"Catch him." Dan says to his subordinates. He caresses Jamie's hands, feeling its warmth and softness.

Jack clings to the door. When he hears Dan's words, he tries to open the door and run.

However, at this time, the door opens from the outside.

"Why there’s nobody working out there?" Amelia's voice sounds, with complaints and doubts. The manor is very large, and there are always servants cleaning and patrols patrolling.

But today, it’s so quiet and there’s no one, which made her feel very strange.

Amelia bumps into Jack who’s trying to run out. Jack knows Amelia is Dan’s little sister. A thought flashes in his mind. He rushes to Amelia in the next second and stuck his pistol against her head.

immediately. They look

are shocked. They have never expected that Amelia would come over at this

stays at the main house so that Dan’s parents would not

arms, which makes her face pale. Even her handbag

and get closed to Jamie so that she could carry out her own

his pistol

legs become weak. She looks at

and says

His subordinates return immediately.

He sighs with relief and thinks, “Even God is helping me. Now

Jack takes the opportunity to make a request. He has the Myth ring,

as she suppresses her impulse

look at Dan. It would be difficult to catch Jack once he flees. But Amelia's

Amelia's hair fiercely and forces her to hold her head up so

fear. She can

Dan orders a person to drive the car out of the garage and another

she has faced was when she was locked up for several days. She has

I haven’t

hair. But the pistol is still resting on

subordinates return and hand a box

is here. The car is ready. Let go of my sister." Dan puts the box and car key on the table.

more alert to them, instead of walking to take the items, he

box opened, there’s 10 million in

then walks over with Amelia. He orders Amelia

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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