Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 403: The Best Heir Candidate

Jack looks towards the voice origin, he sees a little kid who is standing beside a woman wearing tight black clothes, wiping his cherished silver mini gun.

This kid... Shot the bullet?!

“Who are you?” Jack looks at bunny's little face, it feels quite familiar, like he has seen him somewhere.

“He doesn’t know who I am? The news in A City spreads so slow?” bunny turns his head and looks at Night. 7 disdainfully.

Night. 7 purses his lips, “Of course not, he's just ignorant, so he doesn't know you, bunny.”

“That's right, how could anyone not know a cool kid like Me.” bunny slightly smiles, his big eyes seems like covered by frost and snow, flashing the cold light right upon Jack.

Jack looks at bunny's face clearer.

That face……is clearly Dan's, could this kid be Dan's kid?

Only then, Jack remembers the news he read last time, Jamie and Dan's kid is called…Ian.

“There!” sounds of people are heard from the back. Jack immediately looks back, those people are already catching up.

Jack doesn't have much time to think, so he gets off right away. He looks at the tightly closed big door with the height of three adult, climbing out is impossible.

There's only one way.

Jack turns away, looking at bunny's position with hatred, he completely forgets who broke the tire just now, and quickly runs over with fierce expression.

Even if he had to die, it'll be worth it if Jamie and Dan's son die too.


Night. 7 quickly takes a gun out, precisely shoots at his belly, bunny says that he shouldn't die

his stomach continuously bleeds, he lowers his head to take a look, and the gun in his hands falls to the ground

shakes his head like he's sighing, but it doesn't look like he pities

get married?” Night. 7 turns her head and takes a look at bunny, then

at Night. 7 unbelievably. That turn made Jack coincidentally looks at Night. 7's neck. There's a letter on his neck, the same symbol as the one in the

the Gilbert family.” Jack's eyes starts to glimmer with hope, he stares at Night. 7's neck,

7 doesn't deny it either, Jack is going to die anyway,

listen to me!” Jack strenuously takes the myth ring out and lift it up so Night.

her to his camp, then he'll just need to

has proven that, his thoughts are too

then she says something that makes Jack crumble, “You believe that the worn out ring is the myth ring? Does someone like you deserve to hold the myth

a decisive function, and they must listen to the orders of the one who possess the

bunny, then they’ll also be perfectly happy to listen to his orders even if there's no myth

family's blood flows in her veins, she's also extremely intelligent, she’s the best

shock, no wonder he can't

out that it's

step cautiously for so many years, and it’s

damned Dan, they fooled him

absolutely won't let

floor, and takes it with no hesitation. He aims at bunny, his face twists while his heart shouts

pulls the trigger,

this place sees it, their heart clutches. Right before Jack


of Jamie's shoulder, fresh blood spurts

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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