Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 404: The Adult and Child Are Saved

People who dare to hurt his mommy, must pay the price!

Not long after, a doctor who's wearing sterile suit suddenly opens the surgery room door and walks over, “Who's the family?”

“We are.” Dan and bunny quickly comes to the doctor.

“The patient is already 2 weeks pregnant, but now she has lost a lot of blood, both the child and the adult is in danger, you must choose one of them to save.”

One the doctor completes his sentence, Dan and bunny looks distracted, they're looking at the doctor in shock.

2 weeks? Dan frowns and counts carefully.

Isn't that the time when Jamie came back to take the myth ring, for so many times…

He should be happy when hearing this news, but the doctor unexpectedly says that he should choose one of them to save. He thinks that anything is not as important when compared with Jamie.

They could make another child.

Bunny looks at Dan's handsome and shocked face, the guilt in his heart grows bigger. He'll be so sad if they lose mommy or his future little sister because of him.

“Daddy……” bunny is very reluctant, the doctor says that they can only save one, but he's greedy and wants to save both his mommy and the child inside mommy's belly!

"If you've decided, please sign on this paper or consent, the patient can't wait for long.” the doctor takes the paper of consent from the nurse and hands it over to Dan.

Dan looks at the doctor maliciously, making the doctor tremble all over and stops urging him.

He takes the paper of consent, his gaze is complicated with pain, if Jamie knows she's having another child, she'll be very happy.

She once said that it'll be perfect if she has another daughter, with bunny as the big brother who’s composed and smart, and will also love his little sister very much, his little sister can just be a princess without doing anything.

when they hadn't separated, she often imagined that they'd have a daughter like her,

now when her hopes are already fulfilled, destiny forcibly

sad would she be if she knew that she had

sorry my child, daddy loves you

opening it again, he grabs that gel ink pen, he exerts so much strength it almost

tip of the pen almost penetrate

for him to feel such a strong grievance and pain, and

pen that now has a few crack marks, it amazes

the paper of consent in Dan's hand and

to console this father and son, immediately turns around and goes into the surgery room

red puffy eyes, nothing is more important than mommy's life, but if mommy knew about this

where that loud and clear

a nurse that's going to enter the surgery room, “Don't start

and calls Ryan uncle out of

can save both the adult and child.” Ryan says that while he looks

to get involved with their problem and Jack’s, but seeing that she got hit by

identity, he nods without

doing? Irrelevant people may not enter.” says the doctor furiously from

can.” Dan says that to the

“But ……”

glares at those doctors discontentedly, if they don't take the bullet out now, Jamie will die, she's originally weak from pregnant, letting her suffer

roar astonished those doctors, they turn their heads to look

about anything with Dan's

once again, Dan and bunny's

if other people can do it, but Night.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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