Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 411: Son or daughter?

“Dan, do you like to have a son or a daughter?” Jamie’s face is still buries into his waist, her eyes are feeling tired, her lids are heavy, but she fights the tiredness, and wants to hear his answer first before falling asleep.

“It doesn’t matter, as long as you are their mother.” His voice is as calm as usual, he doesn’t think much about his answer, but it is very genuine.

No matter if it’s a boy or a girl, as long as Jamie is the mother.

Dan leans his chin on Jamie’s head, and sighs softly, happy that both Jamie and the child are there, otherwise, his life would look completely different now.

In his head, a plan is taking form.


Ever since Jamie’ pregnancy, the whole William’s family is treating her like a treasure, always afraid something might happen to her, they watch every single step she took.

Which leads to Jamie gaining a couple of pounds in only one month pregnancy.

Jamie looks at her picture in the mirror, her usually small face is not chubby, which makes her want to cry.

She is standing in front of a big mirror, her hands holding her waist, it has not been a whole month yet, so it is not too visible, but she still thinks that she has gained a lot of weight. Her clothes used to fit perfectly before, and now, they don’t even fit anymore.

Girls care a lot about their body figure, if Jamie used to have the courage to just eat what she wants, it was because she knew she won’t gain weight easily, but now, she doesn’t dare to anymore.

Who knows how many extra nutrition and vitamins Dan’s mother has added in her meals to make her gain so much in just two weeks.

She really wants to lose some of it...

When Dan comes out of the bathroom, he sees Jamie stand in front of the mirror, watching herself from up to down, complaining to herself.

Dan is already

that she

of the bathroom

it?” Dan puts down the towel in his

shampoo is surrounding Jamie, and her small face blushes immediately, she clears her throat lightly, and


then he pinches her waist, yeah, she is

in his arms, why would he not like

She is just a little chubbier than before, and before it didn’t matter how much she ate, and with all the vitamins he arranged for her, he never managed to get her

his mother makes for her everyday, her facial color looks much better since then, her little face is rounder, and her body is rounder as well, her curves

to the baby.” Jamie rolls her eyes on Dan, and keeps looking at her picture in the mirror, not feeling

Dan tries to show how innocent he is, since

would get in his way once in a while, but she would never

But now...

would kick him with his blanket out of the

revive back

shape.” Dan says

is watching every step I take, she won’t even let me go jogging...” Even if she just wants to go downstairs,

want to take the stairs for her daughter

care of her, but at the same time she feels sad thinking about the time back in England, when she was raising Bunny all

in her eyes are showing

Dan presses his cheeks on hers, and watching the two of them in the mirror, his lips

he holds Jamie’s tiny body from behind, wrapping her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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