Daddy, don't flirt

Chapter 412: Don’t let Mommy down

He only stops after saying it for five times, then he says to Jamie, “Mommy, I almost forgot to talk to my baby sister today, I will go now, bye Mom, bye Dad!”

When he finishes, he leaves just as fast as he entered.

Jamie blinks her eyes, then she finally feels her son is a normal.

Dan’s lips cramp for a little, then he looks at Jamie with a joyful expression, “How long has he been doing that?”

Jamie counts for a while, then her eyes brighten up, “It’s been two weeks almost.”

She wonders why he believes what she told him before, she was actually joking about it, even if he talks to her tummy every day, it might not be a little girl.

“Imagine it’s a boy, he will be so disappointed.” Jamie leans on the door and looks into the direction that Bunny ran to, she rubs her chin while thinking.

If it is a boy, and Bunny won’t even talk to him, what then?

Dan takes a good look at her tummy, and smiles at her, “It’s a girl, 90%!”

“How would you know?” Jamie doesn’t believe him.

“You don’t believe me?”

Jamie humphs, who will believe someone to tell her the sex of her baby with just one look, as if he had x-ray eyes.

“Why don’t we bet on it?” Dan isn’t bothered that she doesn’t believe him, he puts on a face that he understands, acting that the baby can’t be anything else than a girl.

“What do we bet on?”

am right, you’ll have to do

light up after hearing that, it is not easy to get Dan to agree to her conditions, so she won’t let this

I will win!”

can already feel that it is a boy, he is going to lose if he wants to take this bet

top of that, last night, she had a dream about a little baby boy running towards her, looking just like Bunny, and

have a baby girl, but just to win this bet, baby, don’t let Mommy

is going to tell her tummy,

her little victorious face, and already knows what she is thinking

aren’t we already married anyways?” Jamie says subconsciously, but when

chuckles, he tilts his head slightly, and presses his cool lips

beauty is so seductive, she bites

along of her beautiful long neck,

by his arms, and presses

tender lips, using the moment of her

seem to rise, and only the

and she was about to be conquered by Dan, when Jamie finds a moment of clarity, and remembers the baby in her tummy, she holds Dan’s hand to stop him,

electrocuted, and she says to him while he

his hands to pull her clothes up and fixing them, then he

about that, but just as she turns around, she is

face, with her watery eyes, a shy look and her rosy lips, she

him on time, it would have

pats herself on the chest, her heart still beating

finally comes out of the bathroom, when he is out, he has changed his clothes,

Three months.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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