One week later...

I got dressed in a black shorts with suspenders attached to it and paired it with a cute white shirt that had a moustache and two circles for spectacles on it.

I wore a black ballet flats, one of the many shoes and clothes Alph...

I mean Xerxes had bought for me.

I grabbed my backpack and head out of the room and towards the kitchen.

I started making breakfast for us, scrambled eggs, bacon and OU.

I made for two and started plating them when Xerxes walked into the kitchen.

He sat down quietly.

"Good morning, Alpha.’’ I chirped even though inside I was blushing cause of what happened one week ago.

I still couldn't get that out of my head.

"Good morning.’’ He greeted gruffly.

"And it's Xerxes." He corrected me.

I nodded my head quickly, placing his plate in front of him.

He looked down and started eating.

I sat down quietly, opposite of him and started eating.

After we both were done eating, I grabbed our plates and dump them in the sink.

When I opened the tap to wash them, he said, "Let them be, Lucy will do it"

I really wanted to say it was okay and I could do this but I held my tongue.


I murmured instead and grabbed my backpack that was laying down beside the fridge.

He made his way to the front door and I followed closely behind making him stop walking.

He turned around and looked down on me.

I had to strain my neck to see him.

I regret wearing flats.

I looked like a midget when he did that.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked, his tone cold.

I cocked my head to the side and replied, "School"

"You're not going school" He said as a matter of fact.

I blinked up at him.

"But I can't miss school.It's been only one week since I joined it."

I said somewhat confused.

"You're not going to miss it for one day but for forever.’ He said turning around.I held his wrist trying to stop him from walking away.

"But Damien will be here to pick me up."

I tried to reasoned out.

He freed his hand from my grasp as if he had been burned.

It hurt.

"He is not coming and you're not going to school anymore.I've taken your name out from the school so you don't have to worry about missing classes."

He said coldly and walked out of the house, slamming the door with unnecessary force.

I felt tears prick in my eyes.

I blinked back the tears but they just kept coming back.

I breathed in deeply trying to control my emotions.

I tried to opened the door but it was locked.

He had locked it from outside.

He had locked it with me still inside.

I felt hurt and angry.

not let me go to school? How could he locked me in? How could

sleep in his office while working or would be god knows

bag on the bed and got inside

flowing even though I tried to

eyes red and puffy because

up and walked out

in my tracks when I heard shuffling and


and I quietly made my

started looking around the room that could possibly be served as a weapon or

mindless searching,

know karate’ kick, I

twisting my ankle and this

Great, just great.

and petting it trying to reduced the immense pain on my toe and ankle when heard footsteps making their way up the stairs and my breath caught

stand up, to hide myself

my door, I snapped my head towards the door and saw the

"Sweetie, are you okay?"

heard Lucy's voice as she

eyes knitted

the intruder? "Meryl,

and I sighed when I

up, the pain in my toe subsided but my ankle

had to limp

and gave them both a sheepish

"Yeah, I am fine"

heard you

asked concern lacing

worried look, she was assessing me from head to toe searching for

toe on the table and then twisted

a strained smile trying


said gently pushing me back into the

hurt like

Lisa grimaced.


her a pointed look

the edge of the bed with her kneeling down to checked both my toe and

Lucy sighed.

"Does it still hurt?"

me yelp out in pain that shoot through

and gave

couldn't even smile back due to the

"It's sprained."

sighed shaking

rubbed my shoulders

to bear the pain but it was hurting like I had

still standing there? Get

scolded Lisa who apologised again and walked out

groaned and hollered at her, "Where are you going,

the door

get the first aid box from the

bathroom.The Alpha surely

quickly nodded and entered the bathroom that

not a minute later with

Lucy murmured looking at


and sprayed it on my ankle, a cold feeling spread over

the spray back to Lisa and bandaged my ankle gently murmuring apologies when I

resting, laying

to accompany me

told her I was no longer going to attend school and I told her the reason when she

she nodded in understanding

key that Xerxes gave to Lucy in

had to help her mother in the kitchen so she went downstairs to Lucy leaving me alone

ceiling anymore, I walked down

the kitchen and sat down

in the evening and they were getting

are you

when she closed the

"You should be resting."

me a

bored so

giving them

nodded and got

something.’ Lucy suggested

I wanted to cook.

I help you in making

I asked hopefully.

will kill us.’’ Lisa

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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