Divorce Is The Best Choice

Divorce Is The Best Choice By Riley Mccarthy Chapter 160

Chapter 160 Isn’t this guy too arrogant?

After the conversation, Jenny was about to leave.

Jason had already found an excuse for her to go back and report to that person.

Before leaving.

Looking at her back, Jason said, “If you do something bad to Sarah again, I will send you

to prison myself.”

“Got it.” Jenny felt much relieved.

In the past, when she was carrying these things, she was depressed every day. She was

awakened countless nights, and her heart was full of guilt and uneasiness.

Now that she spoke it out, she felt much better.

In order not to affect Sarah’s plan, Jason still cooperated with Jenny to make the play. At least, in the eyes of outsiders, Jenny was kicked out of the Noth Group.

Looking at the address sent by Sarah on his phone, Jason hesitated for a moment and

went immediately.

When they met each other.

It was already noon.

In order to make sure that their conversation would not be known by a third person, she

chose a place with strong privacy.

Thinking deeply about what Jenny had said, Jason asked first, “Jenny say that you are going to be an undercover?”


“Isn’t it better to call the police?”

“It’s no use.” Sarah knew the identity and personality of that person. “He won’t come back to his homeland easily.”

Jason frowned subconsciously.

Sarah clicked on the photo in her phone and handed it to him. “Do you know this

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The person in the photo was exactly the person behind Jenny.

It was also the person that she had to deal with.

Jason stared at the photo several times, then he gave a crisp answer, “I don’t know him.

What’s wrong?”

Jenny.” Sarah said slowly. “The first time

was to steal the business secrets of the Noth Group, and the second

Jenny to kill

that person

had heard about


with his deep eyes on


with emotions in her heart. “You

at her

the end, he only asked, “What benefits will it bring if I

Sarah said the five words

Jason was speechless.


you give me a chance

“No. That’s impossible.”

She refused bluntly.

can not be connected to personal

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it was meaningless for her

knew that what had happened before was his own problem, so he didn’t say anything more in the

“I will

nodded and said

day on, Sarah had already discussed with Roberts and others. The four of them including Jacob went

stayed in New York.

were not as tense

preparation and foreshadowing, she

Of course.

someone to protect

family would be hurt by remote shooting.

New York and under

had a talk with Jenny, and finally Jenny has


end of the line didn’t expect that the timid Jenny would be so

this time.

still a

show his face on screen, but his body was on

the last incident, Jason didn’t trust me anymore.”

and her emotions were real. “I’ve really tried my

sat there and played with

face, nor did she

As time went by.

clock on the other side of the line,

Get Bonus

occupied Jenny’s heart.

spread your story to your

unhurriedly. His slender and white

perfect as carvings.

this, Jenny

brother will take the


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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