Divorce Is The Best Choice

Divorce Is The Best Choice By Riley Mccarthy Chapter 192

He then fainted.

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Chapter 192 Atha, you’ve grown up

After knocking him out–getting rid of this potential danger, she helped him him to lie on the bed.


and got

It didn’t even occur to him until then that Sarah had called him out just to knock him out and get rid of him as he was the “dangerous“.

From Sarah’s perspective.

She had to find out the source of the fragrance and the signal block in the room, or she would be unable to stay here for a few hours.

If letting him take a cold shower in the bathroom, it would be alright if he could control himself all the time. However, if he couldn’t and run out, it would be difficult for her to get him right.

This being the case.

It would be better for her to solve it in advance.

It was much more reliable to keep the safety in her own hands.

In the following one hour, Sarah carefully and thoroughly searched the room inch by inch.

Fortunately. She eventually found the source of the scent in four places where there were heat sinks or holes on the TV, stereo equipment. Only when opening them up, she found that they had all been dismantled to put things in.

As for the signal block, there were three in the room.

She had to say that these things put by that man were all particularly well disguised. She would not have suspected it at all if it had not suddenly occurred to her that the garage kit was a little out of place here.

Fortunately, she didn’t find any monitoring.

After settling these things, she used a wet towel and a paper napkin to cut off the source of the scent dispersion and turned off the signal blocker.

After checking all the equipment in the room again to make sure that everything was in order and that there was no remote surveillance, Sarah finally relieved and sat down on

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the sofa to have a rest.

At this time, she also had time to sort out the matter and think about all of these.

her not to take any action as soon as hearing Jenny said that Jason was chasing her. Besides,

of doing things, his favourite was

was to get Jason fall in love with her or kidnap her in a way to blackmail Jason to get

that was the case, it would have

with her and then pretended to be kidnapped, an

problem was… What if she guessed

brain was a little

create a false impression and mislead the man to make him believe that the first step of his plot had succeeded, so that the second step would be carried out as

now, things

She checked the time.

now, the effect

the room for at

a while, the strange feeling in her body was

that her body started to react

she had stayed

that it was not as serious as the situation

pinched between her eyebrows.

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open the door. If so, if someone was watching outside the room, wouldn’t it

All of a sudden.

She suddenly realized something.

turned off, which meant she could call

anyone else find out what was happening inside, she could distract herself by

of this, she

up as if

wondered whether he was on

kinds of complex and uneasy feelings,

number, so if he wasn’t at base, he could pick up, and


rang, her heart was almost

This was captain Leon.

Their devil drillmaster.

by him, they were

recalled his voice calling her name, she was also conditioned to be mentally tight and full of

was exactly

to her, she could focus all her attention

drugs seriously as what had happened to Jason just now, she could

a deep breath and her

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there, she had no time to care about


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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