Chapter 203 Jason goes to the Yeats’ house

“Do you have anytime requirement?” Chris didn't ask much, just thought it was a normal meeting.

"Anytime is ok."

“All right."

Chris did it quickly.

The next day, the meeting between the two was arranged. After knowing that it was Jason, Grandpa Yeats arranged the place at the old house.

When Sarah got the news, she was still in Angel Group.

"Are you sure you heard it right?’ Sarah held the mobile phone and doubted what was said to her.

"I'm sure. Jason may have reached there.” Wilson Yeats was quite familiar with the news about the old house, "But why does he go to the old house?"

Sarah's calm mood was disturbed again.

Thinking of what Jason had done, she said, “He is poking a beehive.”

In order not to stop Jason causing any trouble, Sarah handed the matter over to Sivan and drove to the old house.

Generally speaking, grandpa could talk for less than ten minutes with the people he didn't like, but for hours with the people he liked.

Jason had such family background, and grandpa must like him.

Maybe he would ask her to marry him.

With these thoughts in mind, Sarah drove the car faster. She hoped Jason won't mention the marriage. If he did, grandpa would agree.

Once so.

Grandpa would ask people to publish the marriage between Yeats Group and Noth Group.

By that time, things would be in a complete mess.


In the old house.

Mr. Yeats since he entered

a wooden stake, watching him

so much to Yeats Group?” Grandpa Yeats smiled and was satisfied with

him cold and thin. He said, "As long as you promise

Grandpa Yeats was very

took the agreement prepared in advance from Chris

a look. The more he saw it, the more

Look at this scene.


lunch." Grandpa Yeats was really

Jason was

A moment later.

got one of

in place, and Jason also handed it to

arrived at lunch

were surprised when they saw her. Neither of them expected her

do you come?"

at Jason and made an excuse:

in the old house, so the excuse

her words, the old man seemed to have

Grandpa Yeats frowned and said, "Just in time, there

“Okay.” Sarah answered.

wanted to know what Jason

the initiative to

suspicious about


things first." Chris also knew that he was not suitable for

Jason said: "Hmm."

For a moment.

Sarah and Jason were

with suspicion, and she asked him with


wanted to say like her, "It's none

would only push her farther away, and finally become

Sarah: "?"

this guy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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